3D Printer gives Duck new feet

3D printer gives Duck new feet

"CEDARBURG, Wis. (AP) — A duck who lost its feet to frostbite is waddling again thanks to a Wisconsin middle school teacher and a 3D printer.

Vicki Rabe-Harrison rescued Phillip the duck and, after watching a video of a 3D printer online, turned to South Park Middle School teacher Jason Jischke in Oshkosh for help.

Rabe-Harrison tells WBAY-TV that she was planning to put Phillip down when Jischke called to say his class was working on the project. It took them six weeks to get the prosthetic feet just right.

Phillip was a bit wobbly when he first tested his new feet, but he has now joined other birds and animals at a sanctuary north of Milwaukee. Autumn Farm Sanctuary co-founder Alyssa Herbst says Phillip is getting used to his new feet."

- AP



3D printed organs are no longer science fiction but are now becoming reality

" But the dream of functional 3-D-printed  organs has long been stymied by a stubborn central challenge: how to get blood to flow to keep the cells alive.

Now, a team of researchers at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina has made the latest contribution to solving the puzzle, though their findings are still a long way away from helping patients. " 

This 3-D-printed human cartilage possessed all the natural characteristics of an ear when implanted in a rodent model.

This 3-D-printed human cartilage possessed all the natural characteristics of an ear when implanted in a rodent model.

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative MedicineThe Wake Forest team’s 3-D printer at work fabricating a jaw bone structure.

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

The Wake Forest team’s 3-D printer at work fabricating a jaw bone structure.

What an amazing time to be alive with such amazing 3D technology. If you want to read more about this please go here



Source : statnews.com

3D printing technology helps baby live a normal life

A toddler became the first in the world to get an organ transplant from an adult donor using 3D technology. The operation was successful and the child was saved from a lifetime of dialysis treatments. (Photo : Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Tru…

A toddler became the first in the world to get an organ transplant from an adult donor using 3D technology. The operation was successful and the child was saved from a lifetime of dialysis treatments. (Photo : Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust)

 "When Lucy Boucher was born, she suffered from heart failure, causing her kidneys to significantly lack oxygen and shut down. Lucy was then faced with a lifetime of dialysis treatments.

Her parents brought her to Guy's and St Thomas' and Great Ormond Street Hospital, where doctors recommended her to undergo a kidney transplant. Her dad, Chris, was a perfect match for donation, but there was one problem. How could a big, adult kidney fit into Lucy's small abdomen?

That's when 3D printing technology came into the picture. Doctors produced models of Chris' kidney and Lucy's abdomen to determine how the organs would fit together. The intervention would greatly help doctors plan out the very complicated procedure and reduce risks."



This is only a smaller section of the full article . You can find the full article with more details here


Source: TechTimes.com

3D printing company makes Star Wars inspired prosthesis

3Ders recently uploaded a interesting story about 3D printing and the upcoming Star Wars episode 7.  



" With Episode VII: The Force Awakens due to hit theaters in just a few weeks, 3D printed prostheses firm Open Bionics has designed a special 3D printed arm as part of the ‘Fashion Finds the Force’ themed fashion collection, featuring ten pairs of Star Wars themed items from UK designers. The 3D printed arm accompanies an impressive jumpsuit embedded with 10,000 Swarovski crystals, designed by British designer Claire Barrow. The jumpsuit’s star-like effect mimics the famous “jump to hyperspace” scenes in which Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon spaceship travels faster than the speed of light. "



To read the entire article and see more pictures please go here  . 3D printing is making the movies come to life and that is totally exciting.



Source :  3Ders