New Podcast Da 3D Show 45

Another new audio podcast covering lots of 3D Movie and Nintendo 3DS News! 

Da 3D Show 45

Record Date: July 31 2016

It's been two weeks since the last podcast and we have tons of news to report. Here is a quick rundown of the topics we discussed:

  • Animal Crossing New Leaf updating to have Amiibo support
  • Divergent's next movie is a TV series
  • Justice League Teaser Trailer
  • Wonder Woman Trailer
  • Nintendo NX revealed by Euro gamer
  • Kong skull island trailer
  • Metroid Prime blastball demo impressions
  • King Arthur Legend of the sword trailer
  • and so much more  

Links to Trailers :

Justice league: Teaser

Wonder Woman trailer :

Doctor Strange Trailer 2

King Arthur and the Legendary Sword

Kong: Skull Island

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Trailer 2


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Marvel releases Doctor Strange trailer


Marvel Studios / Disney recently revealed the new teaser trailer for it's upcoming comic book movie named Doctor Strange. You can see that trailer here or below : 


Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange will release in theaters in 3D and 2D on November 4th 2016


Source: YouTube  



In an interview with Colider Keven Fiege ( Marvel Studios Chief) said the following regarding the 3D element of the movie :


 Yes, as a matter of fact. We were in VFX reviews the other day, one of the first ones for that movie — we just wrapped, we finished in New York…we did one of the first reviews and it was pretty exciting. It was pretty cool in terms of how 3D can serve that story. You know, sometimes 3D is a tool, like it is in Civil War, a tool of –another toy in the sandbox of how the Russos (Joe and Anthony) can present this movie, then there are times like what Disney is putting out with The Jungle Book –it’s certainly gonna be the case with Doctor Strange– that it serves the storytelling, that it advances the storytelling. And hopefully it helps bend people’s minds even more than with just the flat screen.

 - Collider

Amazing new Captain America Civil War trailer shows first glance of Spider-man

Today Disney / Marvel Studios showcased a amazing new trailer for it's upcoming movie Captain America Civil War.

This new trailer has the web slinging Spider-Man in it , which is the first portrayal of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Watch the trailer below: 

So this is a NEW Spider-Man and not associated with any of the previously released Spider-Man movies. Sony has the rights for the Spider-Man movies but recently made an agreement with Disney/ Marvel Studios to have Spider-Man be a big part within this movie. Tom Holland will play Spider-Man within the movie and future Spider-Man movies . 

See a picture from the trailer below :

Spider-Man shown in Captain America Civil War  

Spider-Man shown in Captain America Civil War  

Captain America Civil War releases in 3D and 2D on May 6th 2016.


 Source: YouTube Video