3D Movie Time Capsule - 2012

3D Movie Time Capsule - 2012

2020 is one awful year ! Instead of talking about the “now days” let’s talk about the before times . Specifically we talk about 2012 and the 3D Movies that released in 2012. 2012 had many noteworthy 3D movies including but not limited to:

  • Marvel’s The Avengers

  • Dredd

  • Life of Pi

  • Brave

  • Wreck it Ralph

  • And so much more

We don’t go over every 3D Movie released in 2012 just the ones we remember and thought would make for good conversation. What was your favorite 3D Movie that released in 2012?

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2020 3D Predictions podcast

2020 3D Predictions 🔮 podcast

Record Date: January 5th 2020

Adolph, Krista and Jake attempt to predict 🔮 the future in this podcast. This annual podcast 🎧🙉 is back and we predict that you will enjoy this podcast.

Podcast outline:

  • What 2020 3D Movies are we dreading?

  • What 2020 3D Movies are we looking forward to?

  • Recap of our 2019 predictions

  • 2020 year predictions

  • Predictions for the ‘20’s as a decade

A few 2020 Predictions to peak your interest:

  • Pixar’s Onward will be a huge hit

  • President Trump will be critical of Wonder Woman 1984 because of the character of Max Lord.

  • Venom 2 won’t be as big as the original

  • And many more…

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Venom 3D Movie Review with Spoilers

Venom 3D Movie Review with Spoilers


⚠️ Spoiler Warning ⚠️  


Adolph , James and Jake talk about the Venom movie with full spoilers .  


To Listen to the spoiler free version of this podcast go here :



 To read our written review click below :



© 2018 Sony Pictures Digital Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Official Venom Website : 


This podcast is brought to you by 3D Wiggle ! For your 20% Off 😱 coupon go here :



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