2020 3D Predictions - REDUX RERUN

2020 3D Predictions 🔮 - REDUX RERUN


Adolph, Krista and Classic Jake attempt to predict 🔮 2020 (THE FUTURE) in this podcast.

This annual podcast 🎧🙉 is back and we predict that you will enjoy this podcast. THIS IS A REDUX RERUN podcast that was originally recorded on January 5th 2020 , we added a new intro and exit music but it’s still 95% the same content . How did we do ? Some of the predictions we did for the 20’s decade may still come true. This is a redux-rerun podcast. We edited out the 2019 predictions, added a new intro and exit music and made a few minor changes too. Were we right ? Were we wrong ? Laugh and Cry at our predictions we did for 2020.

Podcast outline:

  • What 2020 3D Movies are we dreading?

  • What 2020 3D Movies are we looking forward to?

  • 2020 year predictions

  • Predictions for the ‘20’s as a decade

A few 2020 Predictions to peak your interest:

  • Pixar’s Onward will be a huge hit

  • President Trump will be critical of Wonder Woman 1984 because of the character of Max Lord.

  • Venom 2 won’t be as big as the original

  • And many more…

Listen to the original version here:


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2020 3D Predictions - REDUX RERUN
Adolph Vega, Krista Strom, Jake Jarvis