Jurassic World Dominion 3D Movie Review
Jurassic World Dominion
3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

The two words that best describes the 3D aspect of Jurassic World Dominion are disappointing and inconsistent. This movie probably has the weakest 3D from all of the Jurassic 3D movie releases. For a huge amount of the movie’s runtime I forgot that I was watching a 3D movie. Sometimes the 3D was essentially just two layers of 3D, the foreground and background. With the foreground focusing on the character talking and background being totally irrelevant. Jurassic World Dominion definitely had its moments of awesome 3D. Sadly these moments were few and far between in the first half of the movie. The 3D is stronger in the second half of the movie. You will get both pop-out and depth based 3D in Jurassic World Dominion. You will see a gun or hand pop-out in many screens. Various dinosaurs do occasionally jump out of the screen during the various action sequences. A few times 3D depth made hallways more pronounced. The movie has many darkly its scenes and they all still looked very nice in 3D (not all movies can do this well) . The movie does have a few stand out 3D scenes. The scene with the women and the locusts in the powered down lab was especially strong in 3D. The motorcycle chase scene was also very nice in 3D. The 3D in Jurassic World Dominion did help me get more invested in the various action scenes. Maybe it was my local theatre, but I felt like the 3D aspect of Jurassic World Dominion should have looked better. Ultimately I felt like the 3D aspect in Jurassic World Dominion was an afterthought and that it was only barely passable.
Final Verdict: Good 3D
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Jurassic World Dominion is the third ‘world’ movie and the ‘final’ movie in the ‘Jurassic saga’. Does this movie roar like a T-rex or is it to quote Dr. Ian Malcolm “ one big pile of shit ” ?
The story of Jurassic World Dominion is simply okay. The movie starts with a news report that spoon feeds you exposition. This introductory info dump explains some aspects from the previous movie (Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom) and what has happened since the events of that film. The movie is more or a less an excuse to bring back the stars of the various Jurassic movies into one crossover spectacle. Many aspects of this movie are very stupid. I’m not going to spoil all the idiocy and asinine moments in this movie. Be prepared to take some massive dinosaur sized leaps in logic as you watch this film. This movie has essentially two plots that weave together to form the entire narrative. You have the evil corporation plot (Monsanto parody?) and rescuing the kidnapped dinosaur plot. Both plots in Jurassic World Dominion are basic, entertaining and are simple enough to understand and follow. Sadly both of the plots are derivative and convoluted. So many things in this movie are just too convenient to be fully believable. The humor in Jurassic World Dominion works well. The various nods to the previous movies were nice, and are well integrated into the movie. Despite its many flaws I still was able to enjoy the plot of Jurassic World Dominion.
I really liked the huge cast of characters in this movie. The characters have a great chemistry which each other. Many of the major characters from the original Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies return for this movie. The film does include new characters so it’s not all dependent on legacy characters. DeWanda Wise plays Kayla Watts in this movie. Kayla is a pilot and a mercenary. DeWanda Wise is gorgeous, and she has a wonderful personality in this movie. Kayla Watts was the breakout surprise character of this movie and I would love to see more piloting adventures with her being the main star. I also liked Campbell Scott as Lewis Dodgson. Lewis Dodgson is the villain of this movie. Dodgson does the perfect parody of Apple’s CEO Tim Cook. I am a little sad that William H Macy doesn’t return to play Paul Kirby in this movie. I’m a big fan of Jurassic Park III and William Macy is a fantastic actor. Many of the new characters introduced in this movie are essentially just in the movie to move the plot forward. For having such a huge cast of characters I was surprised how well they all worked together.
I adored all of the various action scenes in Jurassic World Dominion. The action scenes are well choreographed and they are very fun to watch. The special effects look fantastic and I never doubted the CGI on the various dinos. I’m very happy to finally see some feathered dinosaurs in this film series. These feathered dinosaurs are cool to look at and are very menacing on screen. I was on the edge of my seat for many action scenes in this movie. The fun action scenes are the main reason to watch any of the recent Jurassic movies and this movie definitely delivers on that regard.
Overall I can recommend going to the theatre and watching Jurassic World Dominion. I neither loved, nor did I hate this movie. It’s a very good entertaining movie, but this is not great filmmaking. Many times I rolled my eyes at the various contrived plot points. In closing Jurassic World Dominion is a stupid fun action summer movie, nothing more nothing less.
Final Verdict: 7/10
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