The Addams Family 2019 3D Movie Review
The Addams Family 2019 3D Movie Review
Written by Jake Jarvis

The Addams Family looks nice in 3D, just like a majority of other 3D computer animated films. There is depth and separation, but none of it adds anything significant to the film going experience. Besides a nice flying bat transition, there is not an interesting 3D effect through the film. Some sword play looks nice in 3D. This is not a terrible 3D experience, but it’s far from a remarkable one.
Final Verdict: Good 3D
The 2019 Addams Family movie, is the latest adaption of Charles Addams' evergreen and gleefully morbid cartoons. This time as a 3D full color computer animated feature with an all star voice-cast.
This film has essentially three plots. The first plot is with the character of Pugsley and his upcoming party. The next plot is with the nearby town meeting the Addam’s for the first time. The third plot revolves around a reality TV star who enjoys making over homes. As you might expect the three stories come together. Sadly this movie feels like a loose arrangement of scenes and not a fully coherent narrative. Some gag scenes work, but other plot scenes are just boring. This 2019 movie has many references to the original one panel illustrations . The film also has several easter eggs references from other previous adaptions. The only real chuckles to be had watching this film are from referencing previous versions of The Addams Family. Unfortunately, not nearly as much care was taken towards the actual storyline of this movie. Yet another be an individual and don't conform morality tale. After a few minutes you will figure out exactly what happens and there really aren't any surprises. This version really doesn't add that much to the mythos. Sure the nooses on the ends of Wednesday's braids are way cool, but that's not enough to make an entire full length feature film interesting. They introduce the great idea that the Addams family is an immigrant story. This great idea is all but ruined by the bad parody of Martha Stewart. This character is annoying and is painful to watch on screen.This movie is one huge cliché. To add insult to injury the 3D character designs attempt to be faithful adaptions of Charles Addams' original cartoons, but more resemble half baked Despicable Me character designs. Essentially you have seen this movie a hundred times already.
The Addams Family might be kooky, and spooky but they aren’t doing anything new or interesting in this 2019 film. Instead of watching this film, go read a collection of Charles Addams cartoons or watch the 1960s TV show or the 1990s movies and save yourself heartache and money. Simply put this animated Addams Family movie is not worth your time.
Final Verdict: 5/10 audio podcasts can be found on: Podcast RSS Feed Link is below:
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