Alpha 3D Movie Review
Alpha 3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Alpha is a gorgeous movie that was made for 3D. The movie uses depth to a fantastic degree. A large cliff is a major location within the movie and the 3D depth really highlights the sense of height in those scenes. The 3D visuals create a more immersive experience as it feels like you in the movie with the characters. Snowy scenes use multiple layers of 3D and give you a sense that you are in the snowstorm with the characters. Overall the 3D visuals look sharp and vivid. The movie uses pop out 3D in fun and smart ways that compliment the action sequences within the movie. The 3D isn’t perfect; I had some issues with darkly lit scenes and ghosting double images. This movie is made for bigger format cinemas like IMAX because of all the huge locations. I watched it in IMAX 3D and I easily recommend watching it in that format. You really need to watch this movie in 3D; it’s a great example of how to implement 3D in an immersive way that only adds to enjoyment of the movie.
Final Verdict: Great 3D
Alpha is a gem of a movie. Alpha tells the tale of how humanity domesticated wolves into dogs. The movie takes place in Europe about 20,000 years ago. You mainly follow the character of Keda a young man who is isolated from his family and friends. The story for this movie is fairly simplistic as you watch Keda befriend a wolf and attempt to return to his home. The movie is mostly a solo affair. I found this adventure to be compelling and a fascinating tale of prehistoric survival. The domestication of wolves into dogs might be the main hook for the movie, but it also handles the bigger themes of loyalty, compassion, and love. The movie looks beautiful, and is a Instagram dream come true. The visuals, cinematography and locations all look stunning. The movie feels authentic and realistic. As I watched this movie I felt like I was transported back in time to the prehistoric world. The editing is the only real issue with the film. The movie starts with an exciting hunt that pauses midway to showcase a flashback. This flashback showcases the backstory and characters before the hunt. The rest of the movie is fairly linear, so why does it start in such an unexpected fashion? The movie would be stronger if it didn’t do the flashback and just showed the scenes naturally as they occurred. The movie feels a little long and some scenes in the final act feel redundant and unnecessary. The animal training for this movie is superb. This is a fantastic movie that I found compelling and fascinating from beginning to end.
Overall I really loved this movie. Before wrapping up this review I have to thank my patrons on Patreon for providing me the funding to watch this excellent movie. This movie really moved me. The story is simplistic but it feels heart felt. Alpha is a fantastic film, and is easily one of my favorite movies of 2018.
Final Verdict: 9/10 audio podcasts can be found on:
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