Avatar 2 The Way of Water 3D Movie Review
Avatar 2 The Way of Water
3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Simply put the 3D visuals in Avatar The Way of Water are incredible. The 3D looks amazing, and you NEED to see this movie in the biggest and best quality theatre that you have available. Seriously you need to try and watch this movie in whatever premium cinematic experience that you can find (IMAX, Cinemark XD, Regal RPX, Evo EVX , Dolby cinema, etc) because this is something well worth the money to invest in, and this 3 hour epic deserves it. Scene after scene wowed me with the gorgeous 3-D visuals. The 3D is part of the visual design of the movie. The fantastic cinematography in this movie is perfectly complimented by the stereoscopic 3D visuals. It’s not just one scene where the 3D shines, but it’s the entire movie that looks fantastic in 3D. The various jungle and under water scenes made me feel like I was literally in the scene with the characters. I heard people in the audience audibly say WOW countless times as they watched Avatar The Way of Water in 3D. I even saw people in the audience reach out and try to grab the fish during the various under water sequences. I am not critical of those individuals because I felt the same way. Prepare yourself because you have never seen 3D of this caliber. Avatar The Way of Water is truly awesome to see in 3D. Avatar The Way of Water uses 3D depth and 3D pop outs perfectly. A few occasional scenes may appear flat, but those scenes seem to be intentional and is probably done to give your eyes a small break. Avatar The Way of Water is a feast for the eyes both because of the wonderful 3D and for the spectacular visual effects. In a scene with fire, you can see fire embers fly around multiple layers of 3D, and I could have sworn that I felt the temperature in the theater increase (No I did not watch it in 4DX). I can confidently say that Avatar The Way of Water has exceeded my extremely high expectations. It’s completely and totally inconceivable to watch Avatar The Way of Water in 2D. The new standard in 3D is set, the bar has been raised by Avatar The Way of Water. The 3D in Avatar The Way of Water is not only the best 3D of the year, or even the best of the decade, but it’s the greatest of all time.
Final Verdict: Great 3D , Editors Choice Award
Avatar The Way of Water has been in development for over a decade. So has it been worth the long wait? I am a defender of the original Avatar movie and I truly love that film. Avatar and Avatar The Way of Water are for me akin to Terminator and Terminator 2. Overall Avatar The Way of Water is a satisfying sequel.
Avatar The Way of Water continues the story of Jake Sully. Jake Sully now has a family and has been living on Pandora for over 10 years. Avatar The Way of Water builds on what has happened in the original Avatar movie and is not a stand-alone film. If you haven’t watched the original, you might be lost as you watch this movie. I recommend watching a recap video on YouTube if you don’t want to rewatch the original movie. Humans return to pandora, and they seek revenge. Pandora is still rich in resources that humans are desperate for. Jake and his family seek sanctuary in a different part of Pandora with different people. The story of Avatar The Way of Water is fairly simple and basic. I feel like it’s too simple and in some ways, it feels like it’s a retread of the original story. Avatar The Way of Water is a very emotional movie and is more character driven than its predecessor. Avatar The Way of Water has a huge new cast of characters to follow, and I found them all to be like charismatic, distinct and interesting. This movie feels mature and is more family oriented. I imagine that this movie might really resonate with parents. Even though I found the basic plot to be simple I did find the overall themes to be substantial. It’s an enjoyable simple movie about a family who is trying to be together and survive.
The movie is 3 hours long and it feels lengthy. The movie has no problem with lingering on a few shots as you awe in its beauty. I was never bored for too long, and for the most part it flows well. Avatar The Way of Water is filled with awesome action sequences. How the action is filmed is phenomenal.
Avatar The Way of Water is one beautiful movie. The visuals are colorful and lush. I never doubted the visuals in this movie. How the movie makes you feel like you’re in the water is incredible. I never seen any other movie that so perfectly captures the wonders of the sea on film. Even its darkly lit scenes the movie looks amazing. The skin and hair of people of Pandora look perfect.
Avatar The Way of Water is an extremely enjoyable and entertaining movie. It’s a little too long and its story is too basic for me. The movie graces over some big themes (immigration, cloning, alienation, the evils of capitalism) but it never dives deep into any topic. I do feel like it’s a better movie than the original, but I do prefer the original movie to this movie. Avatar The Way of Water is an emotional movie and it’s a great time at the theater, but it still left me wanting more.
Final Verdict: 8/10
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