Maleficent Mistress of Evil 3D Movie Review
Maleficent Mistress of Evil 3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Maleficent Mistress Of Evil looks absolutely gorgeous in 3D ! The film begins in a scene in the forest where the camera pans and zooms in and around this location. The 3D gives the viewer a real sense of being in this magical setting. This movie has excellent 3D depth, great pop out and you have a wonderful diorama effect. Disney does not disappoint with the 3D in Maleficent Mistress Of Evil. The 3D helps to make the characters look more lifelike and realistic. Maleficent is a prime example of this with many parts of her head existing in different aspects of 3D space. The movie has many excellent perspective shots that look fantastic in 3D. Long corridors go far into the distance, and fairies pop out of the screen. The film has many darkly lit scenes and the 3D in these scenes looks fantastic (your experience may vary depending on your cinema). The film is bookended with excellent 3D scenes. The final action scene looks wonderful in 3D as different things are flying in and out of the screen and 3D depth is used in smart ways. In closing this movie was made to be seen in 3D. I suspect that future film schools may use this movie as an example of how to do effective and enjoyable 3D. The 3D probably helped me enjoy this movie more than if I watched it in 2D. Absolutely without any hesitation I give this movie my highest 3D rating and full and complete recommendation.
Final Verdict: Great 3D , Editors Choice Award
Maleficent Mistress Of Evil is the sequel to the 2014 Maleficent Disney film. Maleficent was a twisted retailing of the Sleeping Beauty story. The original Maleficent movie ended essentially where Sleeping Beauty ended so this sequel covers new ground , but does it justify its own existence ?
Maleficent Mistress Of Evil takes place five years after the original. Don’t worry if you don’t remember the first movie because this movie will recap that storyline in this movie. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) is now engaged to be married to Prince Phillip and Maleficent isn’t too happy. Prince Phillip’s family is also hesitant of this marriage. Via a series of unfortunate events Maleficent and her kind declare war on Prince Phillip’s kingdom. Will Phillip and Aurora get married ? Can humans and magical creatures live in peace and harmony with each other ? Watch this movie to find out.
Sadly Maleficent Mistress Of Evil is a mediocre movie. The motivations for the characters are basic and its all rather predictable. Angelina Jolie as Maleficent is the only character with any kind of personality. The rest of the characters are as bland as an unbuttered biscuit. Overall the acting is pretty bad in this movie. The film is filled with one note basic characters. The middle of this movie is slow and boring. I was intrigued by the aspect of more Dark Feys (winged demon looking creatures like Maleficent) but this plot point is paper thin and is only somewhat developed. This movie is a thinly veiled allegory for overcoming prejudice. Don’t worry this movie doesn’t feel overly preachy. The story has many frivolous scenes that are made to “look cool” but don’t make sense when you think about it. This movie is filled with obvious plot holes and many unresolved questions. The computer generated creatures look obviously fake and don’t have a real presence on screen. Maleficent Mistress Of Evil is a sloppy mess of a movie.
Maleficent Mistress Of Evil is not a great movie, yet it’s greater than the sum of its parts. This is a big dumb movie but I enjoyed it. Even if the magical creatures look totally fake they are still cute and enduring. This is totally a guilty pleasure kind of movie. Don’t take this movie seriously and you will probably have a good time.
In closing Maleficent Mistress Of Evil is bad movie that I actually liked. If you liked the first Maleficent movie you will probably enjoy this movie too.
Final Verdict: 6/10 audio podcasts can be found on: Podcast RSS Feed Link is below:
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