Dawn of the Dead (1979) 3D Movie Review
Dawn of the Dead (1979) 3D Movie Review
Written By: Jake Jarvis

Overall Dawn of the Dead is a fairly nice 3D conversion, especially for something from 2013. FYI the 3D version of Dawn of the Dead 1979 was essentially in the vault for almost 10 years. Dawn of the Dead has a good amount of 3D depth throughout its runtime. I do wish that the 3D depth was deeper, but it still looks impressive for a movie that never was originally intended to be shown in 3D. Dawn of the Dead has a few good moments of 3D pop too. My favorites 3D moments are: Roger sliding down the escalator, spraying the zombies with seltzer water bottles, and Peter whacking tennis balls on the roof of the mall. Dawn of the Dead definitely could have looked better, but overall the 3D is a nice addition to this classic movie.
Final Verdict:Good 3D
Dawn of the Dead(1979) is arguably the greatest zombie movie ever made, and is possibly one of the greatest horror movies ever filmed. This is the movie that made George Romero and Tom Savini legends of the genre. Dawn of the Dead (1979) is both extremely well made and an extremely entertaining movie.
Dawn of the Dead is shot in full color (unlike it’s predecessor) and It’s still gory enough to get a NC-17 MPAA rating in 2022. Seriously this movie is extremely gory, and it might still shock some people today. The movie was shot for around a half million dollars (not adjusted for inflation), which was considered low budget even for the late 1970s. Dawn of the Dead is the second film in Romero's Dead series of zombie films. Dawn of the Dead is set pretty much set in the same time frame as it’s predecessor Night of the Living Dead. Only this movie is with 70s fashions instead of fashions from the 60s. Regardless when this movie is set, the movie is so engrossing and engaging because of how raw it is. It looks like a gritty documentary of dread and despair. It’s all done with practical special effects, and it can be a very intense movie to watch.
The plot of Dawn of the Dead is fairly simple. A couple of news station employees and SWAT team officers steal the news station helicopter and decide to make a run for it before zombies overrun their location. Eventually, they take refuge in a shopping mall to try to wait out the zombie apocalypse. A roaming biker gang discovers them and attacks the mall too. Basically Dawn of the Dead is a zombie feeding frenzy, and your invited to watch them feast. It’s a bloody good time both literally and figuratively.
Dawn of the Dead has enough dark humor spread throughout the film to give the audience a break to the bleakness of the world that has completely fallen apart. You might feel a little guilty laughing, but it’s ok to laugh at the macabre.
Dawn of the Dead is more than a gory zombie version of John Collier’s Evening Primrose, it’s a critique on consumerism. Dawn of the Dead has interesting characters that are faced with difficult choices while trying to cling onto their humanity. They do this while surviving the ultimate consumers (zombies) in the American temple of consumerism, the shopping mall. It’s not just a basic zombie horror movie, it’s so much more than that.
Dawn of the Dead (1979) is not for the squeamish, but it is definitely for fans of horror and zombie movies. Dawn of the Dead was a gory masterpiece in 1979, and it still holds up in 2022. Dawn of the Dead is a devilishly great time at the theater.
Final Verdict: 10/10
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