Incredibles 2 3D Movie Review
Incredibles 2 3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Sadly low-key is the best way to describe the 3D visuals for this movie. The 3D is largely forgettable for the vast majority of the movie. The character of ‘Elastic Girl’ has some notable scenes with good pop-out 3D, but it feels muted. Objects only slightly pop out of the screen when they could easily pop-out more. 3D depth is used in a few fun scenes with portals and long hallways. I did enjoy the 3D visuals in a few scenes, but they are few and far between. The movie has many darkly lit scenes and scenes with a strobe visual effect that can disrupt the 3D aspect for the viewer. Perplexedly the end credits show off some of the best use of 3D. The credits themselves look very nice and are stylized for 3D. Some of the animated scenes in the credits also use 3D layering in fun ways. Nobody cares about having nice looking 3D end credits so this is moot point. The 3D in this movie isn’t bad but it is underutilized and left me wanting more.
Final Verdict:
Weak 3D 2D Recommended
People have been wanting a sequel to “The Incredibles” for over a decade so can this movie really deliver after such a long wait? Sadly “Incredibles 2” is totally dependent on the original and in many ways serves as the 4th, 5th and 6th acts for the original movie. If you haven’t seen the first movie you will be lost by this movie. It some ways this movie is a rehash of the original but also serves as a continuation of the original, but it never really feels like it’s own thing.
“The Incredibles” originally ended on a cheeky cliffhanger and this second movie starts immediately where the first movie concludes. A new villain called the “Screenslaver” is terrorizing the city and Elastic Girl is on the mission to stop him. You follow Elastic Girl for the majority of this movie. The several action scenes in this movie are well choreographed and are fun to watch. You also get a secondary plot with the father Mr. Incredible staying at home and taking care of the household. Many sequels will reference their predecessors but in many ways this movie feels like a carbon copy of the original . Many aspects of the plot directly echo events from the predecessor and it feels repetitive and unimaginative. Overall the plot feels lazy, uninspired and is largely predictable. The comedic events of the movie work well. The movie is well written and is enjoyable but ultimately it feels unnecessary. Pacing is also an issue with the movie and it can drag and become slow and boring. Many times the plot can become overly generic, cliche and simplistic. The movie expands the roster of super heroes, but it does very little with them. The new Superheroes are simply a way to advance the plot and don’t have any real depth. The movie feels rushed and is sloppy with many plot holes. The movie also has no real stakes and the plot ultimately feels meaningless.
The movie fails to deliver a compelling narrative. The movie doesn’t dramatically advance the characters or scenario in any meaningful ways. The movie is fun but is largely a frivolous forgettable affair. “Incredibles 2” lacks the charm, magic, and originality of its predecessor. There is nothing incredible about “Incredibles 2”, sadly this movie is not amazing, or spectacular, or fantastic, or super or even marvelous , it is mediocre.
Final Verdict: 6/10
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