Inside Out 3D Movie Review
Inside Out
3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Computer animated films have the easiest pathway for stereoscopic 3D conversion. Often movie studios will use 3D as a gimmick to make extra profit off a film and put very little effort in making 3D visuals worthwhile. Sadly this movie is a perfect example of that mentality. This movie uses 3D in a subtle fashion and focuses on depth with several layers of 3D being presented. A few select times the movie will use 3D pop out and honestly the 3D implementation is boring, uninspired and totally forgettable. Only one scene was memorable for the 3D element and that was because the filmmakers actually decided to change the graphical art style to be two-dimensional on purpose. During this scene only a small square is represented in 3D, while the rest of the movie is two-dimensional. This scene is very creative and unique for how they use 3D in this fashion, but it’s hard to further describe the happenings of this scene without giving context and spoiling the film’s story. I can hardly recommending watching this movie entirely in 3D for only a 5-minute surreal scene when the vast majority of the 3D is not impressive in any fashion. Making impressive 3D visuals was clearly not part of the filmmaker’s intent and I cannot recommend watching this film in 3D.
Final Verdict: Terrible 3D
Lately I feel that Pixar animated movies haven’t impressed me and are lacking in quality. This movie is very unique and is some of the best work Pixar / Disney has done in years. This movie has two main storylines that are weaved in and out of each other beautifully. The first story revolves around a few characters that are within a young girl’s mind. The girl is named Riley and nothing is wrong with her mentally, this is just how everyone is within this universe. The characters living inside Riley’s head resemble human emotions of: Joy, Fear, Sadness, Disgust and Anger. These emotional characters have a control panel that they use to manipulate Riley’s emotional state. Each emotional character has a purpose and can take control of Riley at any time. The second storyline within this movie is about the world that exists outside of Riley mind. Riley’s family has just moved across the United States to live in San Francisco. Riley and all the characters within the movie are unaware of the emotional characters within their perspective heads, but the emotional characters are aware of everything happening within the lives of whom they inhabit. The movie switches at will between the outside and inside world. The conflict of the movie happens when two emotion avatars are misplaced within Riley. Without these two emotions Riley is unbalanced and is changing. Within this movie’s universe Riley’s memories are represented as spheres and personality traits are buildings that grow. This movie is very abstract yet balances the extraordinary with relatable and likeable characters. The characters within this movie are brought to life with some wonderful voice acting. The animation within this movie is also top notch with gorgeous visuals. The movie has a wonderful sense of wonder as you travel within the human psyche and try to understand what is going on and how emotions guide us. The writers of this film have done a fantastic job of bringing a sense of humor into this world. I was laughing at many parts of the movie because the scenarios are witty and the dialog is delivered perfectly. The movie does have some darker more serious moments, which only add to the charisma of the film. This movie is unlike anything I have ever seen before with no clear villain and a narrative that feels truly inspired and creative. I was never bored watching this movie and was captivated from beginning to end. A few other movies or TV shows have attempted a similar narrative with the most notable example being the 1990’s sitcom Herman’s Head. Unlike that cheesy FOX sitcom this movie fully succeeds at interweaving the storylines and making a compelling self contained storyline. The movie ends in a satisfying fashion and brings both story elements together in a touching and intelligent manor. I worry some younger children may find some elements of this movie a little too dark and sad, but I appreciate the filmmakers not watering the story down and making a more impactful film. Inside Out is an emotional experience in more ways than one with lots of laughs; a few tear jerking scenes and a great story that makes you appreciate all characters and story. The only flaw I have with this movie is a minor one being with the rules of the universe not being fully established. The characters inside Riley’s head give you plenty of background on what is happening but I wish the rules were more clearly laid out with expansive exposition. I really haven’t seen anything like this movie before so establishing clear ground rules is key to not getting lost within this eccentric movie. I know this critique is wonky and hard to understand but setting clear boundaries is important for movies as strange as this one. Another small issue I had with this movie was that I wanted the emotional characters of disgust and fear to be further developed, they are not given enough screen time. Overall the issues I have with this movie are minor and entire package is a expertly put together film. This is the perfect example of an animated movie that works perfectly for either a child or an adult. This movie is delightful, imaginative and truly unique and shouldn’t be missed. Pixar has returned to its former glory with Inside Out, this movie truly something special.
Final Verdict: 9 / 10