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Titanic 25th Anniversary 3D Movie Review


25th Anniversary

3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega


For a movie that was never originally intended to be in 3D, Titanic looks beautiful & wonderful in 3D. Titanic has nice moments of both 3D pop out and fantastic moments of 3D depth. 3D Depth is especially strong in this movie, and it perfectly compliments what is shown on screen. Several scenes in the movie will have the characters would run down a long corridor or look down a vast height, and the 3D really makes it feel like you are in the movie with the characters. You really get a sense that are seeing what the characters are seeing. The movie opens in a scene that is underwater and while dark it still looks wonderful in 3D. The particles in the water really pop and give you a fantastic sense of movement and a sense that you are in the sea. The 3D looks natural in many scenes like it was always intended to be this way. This is a superb 3-D conversion a classic 2D movie. The 3D isn’t always perfect as some scenes are not shot in the best ways for 3D. Some camera movements are shaky and that is jarring to see in 3D. One noteworthy scene with a key has flashing lights and that can be difficult to see in 3-D. The 3D really enhances the final act and makes it more intense. Overall Titanic looks fantastic in 3D, and I absolutely recommend watching it in 3-D if you can. I also recommend watching this movie in premium large formats like IMAX, because this is the kind of movie that shines in the biggest screen possible.

Final Verdict:Great 3D


Titanic was a huge release in 1997/1998, and now 25 years later does it hold up? Believe it or not yesterday (February 9th 2023) is when I watched Titanic for the first time and I am 39 years old. Now I am not totally oblivious as I know about this movie since it was such a huge film, and it has become part of the zeitgeist of late 1990’s and early 2000's. So hopefully you will find my perspective to be interesting.

Titanic is the love story between the characters of Rose and Jack. This love story is told by an elderly Rose in the “present” via flashbacks. Elderly Rose is recanting this story to a contemporary team who is excavating the remains of the titanic over the Atlantic Ocean. Maybe a good 75% of the film is set in 1912, and the other 25% is set the contemporary time (the late 1990’s) the film was made. With the exception of the elderly Rose the rest of the characters who are in the contemporary times are fairly one note and are forgettable. On the titanic in 1912 Rose is engaged to a rich man, but she is frustrated in her life. Rose doesn’t feel happy living in this regal lifestyle. Jack is a charming artist who drifts along the currents of life. They are an unlikely pair but they work well together. Rose’s family and fiancé are elitists and they don’t trust Jack. Jack and Rose have a steamy love affair on the doomed ship that is the titanic. That is essentially the story of Titanic in a nutshell.

While Rose and Jack are the stars of the movie, the titanic ship itself is a huge part of the film. The titanic is perfectly recreated on screen. The titanic itself is a wonderful and distinct back drop for the story. The vast majority of the movie is set on the ‘unsinkable’ ship of titanic, and in a way its a character onto itself. The sets are excellently crafted. How the movie was filmed makes it feel like this is an actual ship, and not just filmed on Hollywood sets. It is difficult to describe but this movie somehow manages to capture the feeling of being on a ship at sea. A few times I even felt a little sea sick as I watched the movie. This probably due to the occasional shaky cam and the combination of the 3D visuals, regardless the movie does a fantastic job of immersing the viewer into its setting. The scenes in the present with the sunken ship of the titanic are also very haunting and interesting to watch in their own right. Titanic is pure movie magic in how it is able to make a ship from 100+ years ago feel new, beautiful and like a actual real living place.

I have no idea how this movie looked in 1998 and how much the “4K restoration” enhanced the visuals, but this movie is simply gorgeous to see and hear. I love how in some scenes they transform the sunken ship into the beautiful ship of the past. The creaking of the wood sounded so real and I love hearing the water surround me in the theatre. The use of real sets and real water really makes you feel like you are not watching a movie, but a documentary. The costumes all look fantastic and authentic. Some quick shots contain dated computer graphics (like a Playstation 2 game) and they look off, but for a 25 year old movie I can give it a pass as the vast majority of the film looks colorful, vibrant and delightful.

Before I watched this movie I was worried that a film that was released 25 years ago that was set over 100 years ago would somehow feel obsolete or archaic. I am happy to report that movie holds up perfectly. It holds up so well because of the amazing special effects but also because of the excellent human interaction. The love story this film presents is well done and is totally believable and is universal. This movie is such a wonderful slice of the human experience. The movie gives you a distinct vision of humanity that hasn’t fundamentally changed (for better and worse). You will see the the stark divide between the rich and the poor. You will see both best and worst of humankind. Titanic is a three hour long movie and yet I was never bored. Ultimately the romantic love story works because the marvelous chemistry between the actors. Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) act like real people in this movie and their performances are immaculate. This love story feel so real and is 100% believable. The last act is extremely thrilling and scary. The movie is wonderful at stimulating your emotions. The director James Cameron knows how to make movies that truly connect and resonate with the viewer. I will admit that I cried like a baby as I watched the movie. I cried for the beautiful love story between Rose and Jack, and I cried at the horrific tragedy and loss of human life that was showcased within this movie. If you don’t cry as you watch this movie you must be some kind of soulless psychopathic sociopathic monster, and I don’t want to be in your company. I fully admit that over the past 25 years that I have been spoiled, and I knew many if not all the plot points and the ending before I watched this movie. Having this knowledge did not detract my enjoyment of the film. The saying “ Its not about the destination but the journey” perfectly describes my experience with this movie. Titanic even after all the memes and pop culture references of the last 25 years is a movie that I was still able to fall in love with. Titanic is one meaningful and engaging experience put onto film.

Titanic is a movie that I have waited 25 years to watch, and it has been worth the wait. Titanic is so perfectly executed in every regard. The story holds up 25 years later, and it will hold up 100 years, or even a 1000 years later because great epic stories like this are timeless. This movie perfectly captures the emotional human experience onto film. Titanic is one of the best films ever brought to cinema and it was incredible to watch it for the first time. Simply put Titanic is filmmaking at its best.

Final Verdict:

10/10, Editors Choice Movie Award

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