Justice League 3D Movie Review
Justice League 3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Overall the 3D visuals look nice and add to the enjoyment of the movie. The 3D presentation doesn’t do much with 3D depth, but it does have a good amount of pop out 3D. The pop out 3D is never overly gimmicky or excessive and it feels natural to the scenes presented within the movie. No specific scene wowed me or I found to be especially memorable because of the 3D. Justice League isn’t the best 3D presentation, but it is far from the worst and I can mildly recommend watching this movie in 3D.
Final Verdict: Good 3D
Justice League has been a popular comic book series since it’s debut in 1960. For several decades Warner Brothers has tried and failed to make a Justice League movie. In 2017 finally a Justice League movie was released, so how is it ? Does it live up to the hype? Can it satisfy the hopes and dreams of the fans? Recently DC comic book movies have been a fairly controversial so can this movie be something that is universally loved?
Justice League is the latest in the DC comics extended universe of movies and is a sequel to both Wonder Woman and Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. The movie takes place after the events of Batman v Superman. The movie starts as Batman and Wonder Woman are trying to assemble a team of super powered humans to help fight against an alien invasion. The alien invasion is from the character of Steppenwolf who is the conquerer of worlds. Can this league of super heroes put aside there differences and successfully stop the invasion? The main story of Justice League is fairly strait forward and go by fairly quickly. This movie is the first movie we have seen Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg in a live action big budget movie. The movie spends an adequate amount of time introducing these iconic characters, but I wish we had more time with them. I feel like the characters have good chemistry with one another on screen. I enjoyed some of the dialog between Wonder Woman and Batman. The flash is portrayed as comic relief and for the most part I enjoyed his jokes. I really enjoyed Aquaman and found him to be both formidable and charming. Cyborg is still trying to find his place in society and is not comfortable with powers and abilities and who he is. The Flash and Cyborg bond well with one another as they are both younger characters. The movie introduces many minor characters and at times feels overstuffed. Overall I enjoyed the characters within the movie.
The worst aspect of the movie is the villain. Steppenwolf is a generic alien invader and is a weak main villain. In fairness to the movie, I have never liked the character of Steppenwolf even in the comics I found him to be largely forgettable. Steppenwolf is more or less the mid-boss to the real major villain which is Darksied. The movie goes to many locations around the world, but I don’t really feel like the world is really in danger. Steppenwolf seems powerful but not menacing and the scale doesn’t really seem global.
The movie has many enjoyable action scenes and set pieces. I do feel like the characters do a good job working as a team. However the movie doesn’t do enough to highlight the specific powers and abilities of each of the heroes. Flash is fast, but he can do so much more with that ability that isn’t shown within this movie. The movie has several action scenes and they all go by so fast. Again I feel like the movie is too rushed with the action scenes.
The movie has a strange sense of humor. At times it feels like a Marvel movie with the humor and how it presents itself. Some of the humor feels natural and other times it feels forced. The flash is generally a lighter more humorous character but I feel like this movie version plays it up too much. Aquaman has some very excellent timing and is more funny than I expected. Some of the humor makes the tone of the movie feel odd and unlike previous DC movies. The tone of the movie feels more like a Marvel movie and less like the darker more gritty DC movies of the last few years.
Justice League has many problems yet I really enjoyed myself. I was very much entertained from start to finish. The movie is rushed but it also feels tight and without much fat. The comedy is sometimes great, sometimes cringe worthy but overall I enjoyed it. The tone is all over the place, but overall I liked how it built upon the previous movies. I enjoyed my time with Justice League but I cannot deny its imperfections. I hope future DC comics movies build upon on what worked and what didn’t work within this movie and I am more optimistic on what the future holds for DC movies.
Final Verdict: 8/10
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