The Super Mario Bros Movie 3D Movie Review
The Super Mario Bros Movie
3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Editor’s Note:
I grew up playing the various Super Mario video games. My favorite 2D Super Mario video game is Super Mario World, and my favorite 3D Super Mario video game is Super Mario Galaxy 2. When I was a kid I watched the original live action movie in theaters. I enjoyed the insanely wacky ‘Super show’. I have played every single main Super Mario video game and most of the RPG’s. I have even dressed up as Super Mario for halloween on many occasions. I freely discourse this beforehand to help illustrate my potential bias. I have loved this franchise for decades. Some people would say that I am too close to the franchise to write an objective review. Those people are wrong, and I say that confidently because when I was a child (9 years old) I knew that the 1993 live action Super Mario movie was a terrible movie when it released. Most children think that every movie is great, but that wasn’t the case for me. Even at that early age I was able to divorce my fandom and critically think about movies. Therefore I am 100% confident that my review will be fair and objective.
The Super Mario Bros movie looks very pretty in 3D. This is another stellar 3D presentation from Illumination. The movie uses 3D layers effectively to give the viewer some splendid 3D visuals. The 3D looks natural, and perfectly compliments the visuals of the film. The Super Mario Bros movie has several quick pop out 3-D moments. Sadly the 3D depth is present, but its underutilized. The movie has some darkly lit scenes that don’t look ideal in 3D. The Nintendo logo intro looked bad in 3D (enough to make me look away). The 3D is turned off in a early scene. The majority of the movie looks very nice in 3D. The end credits are especially pleasant to see in 3D. The 3D is especially strong in one scene where Mario and Luigi are running through the streets of New York City. The flying scenes with Mario are also dazzling to see in 3D. Maybe it was my theatre, but I feel like the 3D could have looked better in several scenes. My experience the 3D was a 8/10, when it could have been a 10/10. I’m not sure if this is the fault of the movie not living up to its potential, or if my theatrical experience was flawed. Overall The Super Mario Bros movie is a visual treat to watch in the third dimension, and I can highly recommend the 3D aspect of this movie.
Final Verdict:Great 3D
The Super Mario brothers are back in the theaters, now with their own animated movie. Nintendo and Illumination have created something really special with this film, and it had me grinning from beginning to end.
The Super Mario Bros movie is a very entertaining film. This is a goofy movie with a basic plot, but I still found it to be very enjoyable. Mario and Luigi are accidentally transported to the mushroom kingdom. Mario is trying to find his lost brother Luigi. Bowser is conquering various lands, and Princess Peach worries that her kingdom is next. The movie is fairly fast paced, and it works well in introducing the concepts and characters from the various video games. I was surprised how well implemented the various power-ups and game concepts are in the film. The Super Mario Bros movie is filled with Nintendo easter eggs. The references never slow down the flow of the movie. This is fan service done right! This movie is not directly aligned with one specific video game, but respects the lore of the entire franchise. The Super Mario Bros movie is its own thing, and it introduces several new concepts too. Nintendo and Illumination were somehow able to capture the magic of the video games in the cinema. The movie has a mid credits and post credits scenes, and both are worth waiting for. The movie ends in a satisfying manner, and it had many unexpected twists and turns. The movie isn’t deep, so don’t expect any sort of philosophy or politics in The Super Mario Bros Movie. The Super Mario Bros Movie is well crafted film that can be enjoyed by the entire family. Don’t worry if you never played a video game, or haven’t played a Super Mario video game since the 1980’s, you can still follow and enjoy this movie.
The movie has a subtle sense of humor that works well. Many times the movie is self aware and pokes fun (lovingly and respectfully) to the various absurd aspects of the setting. Physical slapstick comedy is a big aspect of the movie and it works. Most of the jokes are light and silly. One character is very dark and lands some of the best laughs of the film. The juxtaposition of this character’s visual design and the dark things it says is hilarious. I do wish that the movie had more jokes because the laughs are few and far between. The Super Mario Bros movie is funny adventure movie, and not a comedy.
The Super Mario Bros movie is one gorgeous animated movie. The art design is magnificent, and this is one of the best looking animated movies that I have seen in many years. The visuals are so bright, rich and vivid. The detail in the animation is truly excellent. Illumination has really out done itself in this movie. It truly looks cinematic in scope, and is way beyond anything seen in any previous Super Mario video game. Pixar/Disney take notes as you watch this movie because The Super Mario Bros movie sets the new standard in computer generated visuals. Seriously I imagine that art colleges will be talking about this movie for years (if not decades) to come.
The soundtrack to The Super Mario Bros movie is sublime. Most of the audio tracks are remastered remixes from various video games, and it fits the movie perfectly. The classic Koji Kondo melodies are back, and they sound incredible. I have heard fully orchestrated tracks of the various songs before, but what is presented in this movie is truly at another level. The movie does has pop culture songs mixed into the movie. These pop songs are fine and fit the scenes, but are not necessary. The movie even has some new original songs that are memorable. The Super Mario Bros movie is a feast for the ears and you will be humming these songs as you exit the theatre.
The Super Mario Bros movie has some great voice acting. I was worried before watching this movie that Chris Pratt’s performance was going to be lackluster. I am happy to say that Chris Pratt’s performance is really good, and is a really solid Italian accent without being too stereotypical. That being said, I do feel like Chris Pratt’s performance is outshined by other people on the cast. Jack Black is absolutely fantastic as Bowser. Anya Tyalor-Joy is great as Princess Peach. Charlie Day is delightful as Luigi. Keegan-Michael Key is a excellent as Toad. Seth Rogen really excels as Donkey Kong. I was surprised how much I enjoyed Fred Armisen’s performance as Cranky Kong. The rest of the cast are fine and they all work well together. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the chemistry between Chris Pratt’s Mario and Anya Tyalor-Joy’s Peach. I also enjoyed and felt the brotherly bond between Chris Pratt’s Mario and Charlie Day’s Luigi. Jack Black’s performance as bowser is truly outstanding, and is the best of the bunch. Overall the voice acting is well done, and I have no real complaints on this regard.
The Super Mario Bros movie has its flaws. The movie has many plot holes, and as the film wrapped I had a dozen unanswered questions. Many story elements fell too perfectly into place. The movie has too many unnecessary characters. The main characters are only slightly developed. I wanted more comedy. The movie is too fast paced, and is too short. It’s not a perfect movie, but overall I enjoyed the vast majority of this movie.
The Super Mario Bros movie is a spectacular achievement in cinema. This is the first truly great movie based on a video game. Nintendo has put its heart and soul into this movie. Don’t worry Chris Pratt doesn’t ruin The Super Mario Bros movie. The Super Mario Bros movie has its issues, but overall this is a fantastic animated movie that the entire family will enjoy.
Final Verdict:
Editor’s Choice Movie Award
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