Onward 3D Movie Review


3D Movie Review

Written By: Krista Strom


Finally I have a 3D movie to review! Honestly though, while watching Pixar’s Onward I was so invested in the story that I wasn’t actually paying attention to the 3D that much. Rather than any particular moments or scenes standing out, I think the 3D was fairly solid throughout. There were some good atmospherics in this film, though not as much as I maybe personally would have liked. Still, the scenes where the glowing staph is working at full power look pretty great in 3D. And I suspect that the depth gets more intense further into the film, as the main character Ian gets more invested in the quest. Overall, I think this film can be enjoyed both with or without the 3D element.

Final Verdict:Good 3D


Pixar’s Onward tells the animated tale of two brothers on a quest to meet their dad by bringing him back to life for one day.

Onward is set in a society filled with centaurs, pixies, and elves, etc and much of the humor of this film comes from the juxtaposition of magical creatures living in a modern society. As funny as many of the moments were, the film also has a sweet and heartwarming story about family at its core. Honestly I expected a bit more from this film. The film has an emotional impact, sure, but maybe not as much as a film like Coco has. Maybe that’s just me. If anything, I feel like the film emphasized the happy much more than it did the sad, despite the bittersweet nature of its story. If not catharsis, the film at least provides an uplifting message.

Combined with it’s astounding world building, Onward is definitely something I would recommend seeing.

Final Verdict:8/10

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Frozen 2 3D Movie Review

Frozen 2 3D Movie Review

Written By: Krista Strom


Frozen 2 is what every 3D animated movie should be. Honestly, I never watched the original Frozen in 3D, so I cannot conclusively state if Frozen 2 is an improvement over the original, but I will assume that it is. Frozen 2 liberally uses both positive and negative 3D space. Disney has previously struggled with "bland" 3D, but this film is the definitive example that Disney actually knows how to present a beautiful 3D animated experience. During one moment in the movie I witnessed at least one person in the audience reach out and try to "catch" a 3D snowflake in their hand. Even during normal dialogue scenes the 3D looks very good. Where the 3D really shines is during the two major Elsa scenes:  “Into the Unknown” and “Show Yourself”. Each of these scenes make creative use of Elsa's ice powers, resulting in a breathtaking display of stylistic animation that really shines in 3D. At certain points, it almost feels like you are watching a live dance performance combined with a light show. The 3D is not perfect. One small complaint is how the foreground and background appear in a few scenes. The foreground is CG, and the background appears to be a painted matte. This is not a huge deal because after a certain distance your brain cannot interpret the difference between something that is flat and something that isn't, but the slight differences in art style did annoy me. I highly doubt that many people would even notice this minor visual flaw. The 3D character models can also look slightly off in some scenes and this can become distracting. Overall this superb level of artistic and technical 3D quality. This is what I will expect from Disney in the future. If they give us anything less than this, they will be cheating us. Frozen 2 looks wonderful in 3D and I highly recommend it. 

Final Verdict: Great 3D


Frozen 2 is an impressive sequel. 

In Frozen 2, Elsa literally hears the call to adventure. At first, she refuses to answer this call because she's already had an adventure. Elsa likes her current life and doesn’t want things to change. Ultimately the pull is just too strong and Elsa starts a new adventure of self discovery and learns more about her parents and her powers. This story has a major twist in it, but it doesn’t really feel like a twist. This plot twist is unexpected, but is not unearned. What Disney has managed to do here is to take a character’s internal journey and map it onto the external world in the form of a quest. This is not a quest that she just incidentally happens to be on, this is a quest that happens directly because of her character and who she is. I think this could be a great example of the heroine’s journey and how it is fundamentally different from the traditional hero’s journey. The main plot line is touching and great but the subplots on the other hand are not fully formed. For example, Olaf's subplot is not given any real conclusion. I found Olaf to be rather annoying in this movie. Furthermore the Olaf and Kristoff songs aren’t very funny - they just derail the pacing of the movie. I don't think it's an issue with either of the songs per se, but the way they were handled in the movie. Ultimately the Frozen lore is deepened, but it also made many more unresolved questions.  

Overall I loved Frozen 2 and I enjoyed it more than the original movie.  How  this movie handles Elsa’s trauma is well done but far from perfect. This  movie is aimed for kids but handles some deeper themes that I think adults will enjoy and learn from even more so than other previous Disney movies. 

Final Verdict: 9/10 , Editors Choice Film Award

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The Angry Birds Movie 2 3D Movie Review

The Angry Birds Movie 2 3D Movie Review

Written By: Krista Strom


Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the Angry Birds visual art style presented in the films.  I suppose it might be an attempt to reference the video games or to make the visuals appear more “cartoony” but it just doesn’t look that great. It’s competent, sure, but there’s nothing special about it – and this art style definitely has an effect on the 3D aspect. If I’m watching an animated movie in 3D, it’s because I want to be able to admire the animation, which frankly I don’t think I can do with the Angry Birds films. Aside from the falling snow and maybe some of the fun little scenes with the hatchlings, nothing really caught my attention 3D-wise. If you like the visual style, than maybe this movie might be okay to watch in 3D. The 3D just didn’t do it for me. I didn’t find the 3D memorable or really enjoyable in any significant way. 

Final Verdict: Weak 3D 2D Recommended


Before watching this film I wasn’t very excited for The Angry Birds Movie 2. But as they say, don’t judge a book by its cover…and don’t judge a film by its trailer, as the case may be. 

The plot of The Angry Birds Movie 2 revolves around the pigs and birds coming together to save themselves from an even bigger common enemy, the eagles. The eagles are led by the extravagant purple eagle Zeta. Red feels insecure about the truce with the pigs. Red is considered a hero among the birds and he wants to keep that status. Red often clashes with Chuck's (the yellow bird) genius sister Silver. Silver is now part of the main cast. Meanwhile the mighty eagle is distressed at the prospect of going to eagle island. Ridiculous shenanigans ensue and it turns out story wise, this is a surprisingly good movie.

Just like the first one, the writing is tight and crisp. It sounds like an absurd thing to say, but the abcu's (angry birds cinematic universe) strength is within its characterization. It's actually an interesting case study in writing: what the characters lack in depth they make up for with clarity in their goals and arcs. In short, you know what each character is about. It's simplistic, but weirdly effective. In terms of humor, the jokes are in general more tasteful, and dare I say, funnier, than what I found in the previous Angry Birds movie. I found the hatchling subplot particularly charming. Don’t get me wrong, there is still toilet humor, I just didn’t find it as annoying as I did in the last one. 

Of course, the film isn't a masterpiece; it's still largely aimed at the lowest common denominator and tends to beat you over the head with plot points. It’s not winning any Oscars, and I doubt it will have any lasting impact on culture, either. But for what it is, I actually kind of enjoyed it.


Final Verdict: 7/10

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