Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker 3D Movie Review
Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker 3D Movie Review
Written By: Adolph Vega

Simply put you don't need to see Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker in 3D. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t hate the 3D aspect of this movie. I just feel like the 3D is underutilized to the point of it not being worth while. The movie has many excellent shots in 3D. Several scenes use 3D well. One scene specifically in a snowy planet looks fantastic as the snow flurries move around the main characters in 3D space. Other random shots are peppered into this movie that have great 3D visuals. Sadly the 3D aspect is largely absent from the majority of this film. Most of this movie looks very flat. I would say that 30% of this movie looks very nice in 3D. This movie also has issues with flashing lights. I guess the “JJ Abrams visual style” has de-evolved from over use of lens flares to over use of strobe effect. Damn you JJ Abrams this is a movie not a rave laser light show! I feel like the strobe effect at times can mess up the 3D aspect of this movie, so I can understand why the 3D aspect was potentially downplayed in this movie. I found the strobe effect very visually distracting and at many times I looked away at the screen because it was just too much. If you are sensitive to strobe visuals (epilepsy) don’t watch this movie because this movie might give you a seizure because of its liberal and constant use of strobe effect. I am not sensitive to the strobe effect and most of the time I don’t mind it but this was really excessive and it really annoyed me. I don’t know if it was just my theater that had issues with this film. I also felt like many close up shots were blurry and out of focus. The camera work is also very choppy too. It was hard to focus your eyes for very long because the next quick cut could happen at any minute. I cannot recommend watching Star Wars Rise of Skywalker in 3D.
Final Verdict: Weak 3D 2D Recommended
Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker is a frankenstein's monster of a movie. I did enjoy this movie but overall it’s a bloated stapled together narrative mess. This is one of the hardest movies to review without spoilers but I will try my best to tell you what I liked and didn’t like about this movie without ruining it.
Rise of Skywalker takes place some time after the events of The Last Jedi. This movie serves as a third movie in this Star Wars sequel trilogy and it concludes the stories of Rey, Finn, Poe & BB8. In many ways this film feels like a massive course correction from Last Jedi. The plot of revolves around Rey, Fin, Poe and the resistance who is trying to find a way to defeat the first order and restore peace to the galaxy. The first half of this movie feels like a game of find the macguffin. The main characters keep visiting different planets to find different things they need and it becomes annoying. The movie reintroduces a classic villain from the Star Wars lore. I won’t mention his name for the sake of spoilers but I will say this addition didn’t feel organically input into this narrative. I feel like the reintroduction of this villain feels too convenient for this story. The make it work but it’s not pretty and its far from ideal. This is kinda like making square peg fit into the circular hole, yeah it’s possible but it’s far from a natural fit. Does the resistance find a way to save the galaxy ? Does Rey find the truth about her ancestry ? You will have to watch the movie to find out.
My biggest problem with this movie are the huge amount of plot contrivances. I can suspend my disbelief to a point, but this movie is ridicilous. The plot contrivances also bleed over to issues that I have with certain characters. Rey will often space out and abandon her comrades. The movie finds flimsy excuses to separate Rey from the rest of the group. I found Rey to be annoying in this movie. I liked her character in the previous two Star Wars movies The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens but I didn’t like her in this movie. Moving on from Rey on three different occasions three different characters are essentially used as plot devices and it feels off-putting. It’s hard to describe but many story beats feel pointless. Too many times things fell too perfectly into place.
The action, special effects, comedy and the conclusion are really enjoyable aspects of this movie. Action scenes are thrilling to watch and feel well choreographed. The special effects are well done and compliment the action scenes well. The comedic aspects of this movie work perfectly. I had many hearty laughs as I watched this movie. Poe is given more screen time in this movie and I love it. The movie concludes in a satisfying way even it feels too convenient. The movie has many touching scenes that truly resonate and are well done. This is a very entertaining fun action packed movie.
Regarding the filmmaking I didn’t like many aspects of this movie. The strobe effect is over used in this movie. The movie has too many choppy quick cuts. Many shots are too zoomed in to the characters. Some of the movie looks blurry. Somehow it feels both too long and rushed at the same time. I also feel like this movie could have been called episode 10 instead of 9 because I feel like they skipped over many large aspects of the plot. This movie feels sloppily put together to try to please everyone.
Overall I did enjoy my time with Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker. It is a very flawed movie but I did have fun with it.
Final Verdict: 7/10
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