Godzilla X Kong The New Empire 3D Movie Review

Godzilla X Kong The New Empire

3D Movie Review by: Adolph Vega

3D: 8/10

Movie: 8/10

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Godzilla vs Kong 3D Movie Review

Godzilla vs Kong 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega


Inconsistent is the best word to describe the 3D visuals in Godzilla vs Kong. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the 3D looked in darkly lit scenes (your experience may vary). Overall the 3D seems muted. Some scenes only seem to have three layers (foreground, mid ground and background) of 3D. The 3D seems fine but rarely did I feel like a scene wowed me. Pop out 3D is fairly rare in this movie. All that being said I still enjoyed the 3D aspect of this movie. The various action set pieces are more fun in 3D. When the action gets going and stuff is flying around it can be a very immersive visual experience. The 3D did help make Kong and Godzilla look more lifelike. I feel like the 3D could have looked better in many scenes. I would have loved for Kong and/or Godzilla to escape the bounds of the aspect ratio and really pop off the screen, but sadly that didn’t happen. I can’t specify a specific scene when the 3D really shined. The 3D was fine throughout with some peppered moments of greatness. In closing I think 3D fans will find enough enjoyable moments to make the 3D barely worthwhile. 

Final Verdict: Good 3D


Godzilla vs Kong is not an art house film. Godzilla vs Kong is a stupid fun action movie, nothing more than less.

The plot of Godzilla vs Kong is essentially just a thin pathetic excuse to have Kong and Godzilla fight. Godzilla has recently attacked a city and nobody knows why. The story is split between two subplots and neither are especially strong or interesting. The first subplot follows Millie Bobby Brown’s character “Madison Russell”. Madison is essentially the leader of a trio who are investigating the Apex corporation and the possible connection to the unprovoked Godzilla attack. The other subplot revolves around moving Kong from skull island to the center of the earth. Apparently Kong and Godzilla are ancient rivals and are destined to fight as they are both alpha predators. The two subplots eventually join together to make a weak narrative. This is the forth movie in the titan monster movie universe, and it has possibly the stupidest plot of the series. Several times as I watched this movie I just rolled my eyes at the various illogical and silly decisions that are made in this movie. This is almost as dumb as your average Transformer’s movie. You don’t need to watch the other titan monster movies  (Godzilla [2014], Kong Skull Island , Godzilla King of the Monsters ) to understand this movie as many of the characters in this movie are new. This movie does connect and build upon the previous movies but it all barely makes any sense. For God sakes this is a movie with a giant ape fighting a giant lizard so you just have to accept this movie as is. The movie is almost a self parodying itself in how dumb it is. All the characters are fine and I don’t hate nor love any of them. The story of Godzilla vs Kong is forgettable hodgepodge collection of action movie cliches. Despite all the flaws in the story I still enjoyed it and was never bored.

Action scenes are the reason why you want to watch this movie and it delivers in that regard. I found the action set pieces to be very fun to watch. The action is well choreographed and is well shot (no ugly background colors and odd camera angles). The outstanding special effects perfectly compliment the action. I enjoyed how the filmmakers animated the titans. Kong and Godzilla both look and behave in a very lifelike manor. They have a real presence on screen and a real weight to them. It's a joy to watch these titans fight. Only one action scene disappointed me. Maybe they ran out of money because this Hong Kong scene was mostly in the background and felt super short. Regarding the action I think most people will walk away from this film satisfied and very happy. 

In closing Godzilla vs Kong is a dumb fun movie. I was entertained and I can recommend it. 

Final Verdict: 7/10


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Godzilla King of the Monsters

Godzilla King of the Monsters

3D Movie Review

Written By: Jake Jarvis


The 3D is really disappointing in this movie. This is mostly due to the extremely dark cinematography and lack of back lighting. This is a post production 3D conversion and not a particularly good one. Simple shots used to create perspective, like rain scenes, lack any real depth. Indoor scenes have some depth, but are mostly exposition scenes to move the story along between monster battles. Who wants to see 3D noses pop out instead of a Kaiju? Spend your money on watching this on the biggest screen possible with a good sound system, instead.

Final Verdict: Weak 3D 2D Recommended



Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (2019) is easily the best Americanized Godzilla film yet.


Godzilla: King Of The Monsters is a love letter that is almost derailed with a frivolous family in peril subplot. The film continues the story of the 2014 Godzilla movie , but with a different human family. The whole Russell family drama could have easily been removed from the movie and the pacing of the film would have improved dramatically. Kaiju movies are almost defined by their environmental subtext and anti-nuke symbolism. Director Michael Dougherty and his team of co-authors replace the imagery of the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the horrors of the post 9/11 world for this new entry in the franchise. It really helps elevate the material like it did the original Godzilla movie 65 years ago. The exposition dumps complete with scientific mumbo jumbo is here, along with lots and lots of big monster fights. Unfortunately the family drama subplot is not fleshed out, and it bogs down the film and steals precious screen time from more important main plot. It's a real shame because Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, and Mille Bobby Brown are very good with their thin parts, but their storyline felt like it belonged in a Jurassic World film not in a Godzilla movie. This film had so many easter eggs, I expected to see a 60 foot buggs bunny stomping around. It will take dozens of viewings to spot all the Easter eggs. This sequel to the Godzilla (2014) film corrects the biggest fault with the latter film, a serious lack of Godzilla . This movie has Godzilla, Mothra and even King Ghidorah in many fun action packed fights. The fights are glorious. I felt like a four-year old kid again watching Godzilla for the very first time. I expect you will feel the same way too. You won't care about clunky dialogue and lack of motivation and characterization of the human characters because this movie is so much fun.


Ultimately Godzilla King of the Monsters delivers what fans want from a Godzilla movie (Action and plenty of it). I really can't wait for the sequel.


Final Verdict: 7/10

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