Wonka 2D Movie Review


2D Movie Review

By: Adolph Vega

3D Potential

Final Verdict: 7/10


Final Verdict: 8/10



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Godzilla vs Kong 3D Movie Review

Godzilla vs Kong 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega


Inconsistent is the best word to describe the 3D visuals in Godzilla vs Kong. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the 3D looked in darkly lit scenes (your experience may vary). Overall the 3D seems muted. Some scenes only seem to have three layers (foreground, mid ground and background) of 3D. The 3D seems fine but rarely did I feel like a scene wowed me. Pop out 3D is fairly rare in this movie. All that being said I still enjoyed the 3D aspect of this movie. The various action set pieces are more fun in 3D. When the action gets going and stuff is flying around it can be a very immersive visual experience. The 3D did help make Kong and Godzilla look more lifelike. I feel like the 3D could have looked better in many scenes. I would have loved for Kong and/or Godzilla to escape the bounds of the aspect ratio and really pop off the screen, but sadly that didn’t happen. I can’t specify a specific scene when the 3D really shined. The 3D was fine throughout with some peppered moments of greatness. In closing I think 3D fans will find enough enjoyable moments to make the 3D barely worthwhile. 

Final Verdict: Good 3D


Godzilla vs Kong is not an art house film. Godzilla vs Kong is a stupid fun action movie, nothing more than less.

The plot of Godzilla vs Kong is essentially just a thin pathetic excuse to have Kong and Godzilla fight. Godzilla has recently attacked a city and nobody knows why. The story is split between two subplots and neither are especially strong or interesting. The first subplot follows Millie Bobby Brown’s character “Madison Russell”. Madison is essentially the leader of a trio who are investigating the Apex corporation and the possible connection to the unprovoked Godzilla attack. The other subplot revolves around moving Kong from skull island to the center of the earth. Apparently Kong and Godzilla are ancient rivals and are destined to fight as they are both alpha predators. The two subplots eventually join together to make a weak narrative. This is the forth movie in the titan monster movie universe, and it has possibly the stupidest plot of the series. Several times as I watched this movie I just rolled my eyes at the various illogical and silly decisions that are made in this movie. This is almost as dumb as your average Transformer’s movie. You don’t need to watch the other titan monster movies  (Godzilla [2014], Kong Skull Island , Godzilla King of the Monsters ) to understand this movie as many of the characters in this movie are new. This movie does connect and build upon the previous movies but it all barely makes any sense. For God sakes this is a movie with a giant ape fighting a giant lizard so you just have to accept this movie as is. The movie is almost a self parodying itself in how dumb it is. All the characters are fine and I don’t hate nor love any of them. The story of Godzilla vs Kong is forgettable hodgepodge collection of action movie cliches. Despite all the flaws in the story I still enjoyed it and was never bored.

Action scenes are the reason why you want to watch this movie and it delivers in that regard. I found the action set pieces to be very fun to watch. The action is well choreographed and is well shot (no ugly background colors and odd camera angles). The outstanding special effects perfectly compliment the action. I enjoyed how the filmmakers animated the titans. Kong and Godzilla both look and behave in a very lifelike manor. They have a real presence on screen and a real weight to them. It's a joy to watch these titans fight. Only one action scene disappointed me. Maybe they ran out of money because this Hong Kong scene was mostly in the background and felt super short. Regarding the action I think most people will walk away from this film satisfied and very happy. 

In closing Godzilla vs Kong is a dumb fun movie. I was entertained and I can recommend it. 

Final Verdict: 7/10


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Detective Pikachu 3D Movie Review

Detective Pikachu 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega


Where are the 3D visuals ? Detective Pikachu sadly doesn’t crack this case of the missing 3D. All kidding aside the 3D is barely present in this movie. Most of this movie looks totally flat in 3D. We have some interesting looking establishing shots and long streets that make good use of 3D depth, but most of the movie barley has any 3D visuals. One Pokémon battle scene looks very good in 3D. In this thrilling scene, you have some fun pop out and interesting depth-based elements. Parts of the Pokémon pop out of the screen. The 3D depth helps this scene give you a sense of claustrophobia . The 3D makes a fun scene better, but this scene lasts only a few minutes. Another scene nearby  a river has many floating Pokémon and they really pop out of screen. This river scene lasts only a few seconds. The fun 3D scenes are too few and far between to be worthwhile. The 3D scenes don’t last very long. Good looking 3D scenes are rare in this movie. The vast majority of this the movie looks very flat. The start of the credits actually looks nice in 3D but again that sequence only lasts a few minutes. The Detective Pikachu 3DS video game is only playable in 2D and that is how I recommend watching this movie. Simply put the Detective Pikachu movie is not worth watching in 3D.

Final Verdict: Weak 3D 2D Recommended 


Before I begin this review I must confess that I am not a super Pokémon fanatic, but I am very familiar with the core concepts of Pokémon franchise. I have never played the Nintendo 3DS game that this movie is based on. I only played three Pokémon video games: Yellow, Snap, and Go. I lost interest in Pokémon Yellow after a dozen or so hours into the game. I actually really enjoyed Pokémon Snap because I love photography. I got bored of Pokémon Go maybe a month after it released.  I watched maybe two or three seasons of the anime TV show, but I have not seen any of the animated films. I hold no negativity toward this long standing  franchise or its fans. I state this only to be transparent.

Detective Pikachu is a strange movie. The Nintendo 3DS game that this movie is based on is neither a huge hit or a beloved video game. The Pokémon franchise has released several animated movies but this is the first live action film with computer generated Pokémon characters. Sadly I predict that most Pokémon fans will be lukewarm to this movie.

The story behind Detective Pikachu revolves around a young man named Tim Goodman. Tim’s father has gone missing and Tim goes searching for him when Detective Pikachu arrives. Detective Pikachu has amnesia and knows that Tim’s father is the key to recovering his memories. Detective Pikachu  joins Tim‘s search for the truth. The movie has many twists and turns and is a decent family friendly adventure. Sadly, many of the key plot points are spoon feed to the viewer. The story is conveniently put together in exposition dumps. The movie has several plot holes and a terrible villain. The motivations for this villain are poorly explained and his plan doesn’t make much sense. The writing is very simplistic and generic. The movie feels a little too long. Humor is the main positive aspect of this movie. For the most part the comedy does work, but at times it can be cringe worthy. The various action scenes are compelling, and the story has some heart. The plot wraps up in a tight little package.  This movie is an okay way to kill some time.


Justice Smith portrays Tim Goodman and Ryan Reynolds portrays the voice of Detective Pikachu. Justice Smith is totally mediocre in this role. Tim is not a very likeable main character. Tim is bland and is always whining about something in this movie. The only scene that I liked him in was the integration scene with the Mr Mime Pokémon. That scene was hilarious and very clever.  Ryan Reynolds is his typical hilarious self in this movie. Ryan Reynolds does not change his voice in this movie and still sounds very much like Deadpool. The comedic timing of Ryan Reynolds and the good writing for his character work well for this story. In many ways it feels like a PG Deadpool movie without the forth wall breaking and set in the Pokémon universe. Another main character in this movie is that of Lucy Stevens. Lucy is portrayed by Kathryn Newton. Sadly, this character only exists to help move the story forward. I liked her performance in this movie, but it’s a very limited role. I actually liked her character more than the main character of Tim. Ryan Reynolds basically carries this entire movie on his shoulders, much like how Ash Ketchum carries Pikachu on his shoulders in the Pokémon TV show.

I need to talk about the computer graphics within this movie. The visual character design varies dramatically from scene to scene. Pikachu for example looks fantastic in this movie. Pikachu looks like a adorable cat like creature. I know Pikachu is a rat based Pokémon but in the movie his fur looks very cat like . Overall the first-generation Pokémon look great (Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur , etc) but some of the newer generation creatures don’t look so good. Is this because the newer creature designs are not as inspired as the older generation? Or is it because they didn’t budget enough money to make these characters look believable? I don’t know. The various animal designs (Pokémon)  just look strange and the proportions just don’t look realistic. It can be very jarring when one creature looks fantastic and another looks awful and is totally out of place. These creature character models work  in a video game, but many  simply don’t work in real life. The movie is filled with a diverse selection of Pokémon and not all of them look good on screen. Some Pokémon look amazing, some look totally fake, some look oddly shaped or too big, and some Pokémon don’t look like they could even exist in our world. The worst aspect of the visuals is the inconsistency of it all. The strange visuals hurt my enjoyment of the movie.

In closing Detective Pikachu is a mess of a movie. The visuals are all over the place. Despite the many flaws I still liked this movie and I had fun. Sadly, this movie is not the very best, but it’s not a total disaster either.

Final Verdict: 6/10

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