Spider-Man Far From Home 3D Movie Review

Spider-Man Far From Home 3D Movie Review

Written By: Jake Jarvis


Spider-Man Far From Home has some crazy good 3D visuals. The many Mysterio and Elemental action scenes are very memorable to see in 3D. Both 3D pop and 3D depth look fantastic in this movie. One specific awesome pop out scene is when Aunt May throws something to Peter Parker. Several audience members actually ducked in the theater while watching this scene. This scene isn’t gimmicky but is a funny scene that is made better by the 3D. The many European locations look incredible and the scenery alone is used to excellent effect to enhance the 3D. The extra money spent on 3D is well worth it just for the sight seeing. All the enjoyable action scenes make the 3D really worthwhile. After 11 years and 20+ movies the Marvel cinematic universe has yet another 3D winner on its hands. 

Final Verdict: Great 3D


Spider-man: Far From Home, is the 2nd Sony/Marvel Spidey live-action movie. To put it simply this is a spectacular Spider-Man film. This amazing film functions as a sequel to Spider-Man Homecoming, an epilogue to Avengers  Infinity War / Avengers Endgame and it also works to push the Marvel cinematic universe forward. 

Spider-Man Far From Home begins shortly after the events of Avengers Endgame. The movie knows how to keep its story easygoing instead of stopping dead in its tracks when it explains the fallout of the Thanos snap a.k.a. "The Blip". This is more of a summer romance film with a heroics subplot than a full on superhero action movie. This film really felt like a Stan Lee/John Romita Sr Amazing Spider-Man story with a European twist. The humor works well and the action is well choreographed to make for a fun adventure. Like Jon Watts' first Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man Homecoming there are dozens of easter eggs to keep eagle-eyed fans happy. Pay special attention to license plates for nods to classic Spider-man stories and character debuts. The film has many surprises, including the return of a key character from the first Iron Man movie. Plus there are two post credit scenes that will likely leave you slack jawed. Tom Holland continues to impress as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Zendaya truly makes MJ a real flesh and blood character, not just a trophy girlfriend. Peter Parker and MJ have wonderful chemistry on screen and their relationship makes perfect sense. Everyone gets a few moments to shine and to build their characters. Remy Hill as the new kid is very fun to watch. Brad Davis takes on some of the Flash Thompson "villian" role and creates some of the funniest moments in the film. Jake Gyllenhaal as Quintin Beck/Mysterio really sells the character. Even knowing Mysterio's comic book backstory, Gyllenhaal still had me guessing Mysterio's true intentions. Mysterio is a fantastic character and I really enjoyed watching him in this movie. The only issue I had with this movie can be with the pacing. Sometimes the movie can dramatically slow down when they have exposition scenes. It is only a minor inconvenience and often it can help the viewer catch their breath after the various action scenes. Obviously your mileage will vary but it’s hard to deny the pacing can off putting at times. Overall the movie works quite well and is very enjoyable from beginning to end.

Spider-Man Far From Home is one very fun and satisfying summer blockbuster. 

Final Verdict: 9/10

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Avengers Endgame 3D Movie Review

Avengers Endgame 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega



Avengers Endgame looks very nice in 3D. It has a good amount of depth and some occasional pop out sequences. I watched it in IMAX 3D and it looked very bright and sharp. Many scenes are only okay looking in 3D. One scene with two characters on a mountaintop is especially strong in 3D. The 3D depth in this scene is especially strong and it has many great particle effects in this scene. The final action sequence is fantastic in 3D. This final action scene is enough to push the overall 3D quality from good to great. Overall I think the 3D is enjoyable enough to fully recommend.


Final Verdict: Great 3D



Avengers Endgame is one very difficult movie to review without spoilers. The events of Avengers Infinity War left viewers with many big questions. We actually recently recorded a podcast where we discuss the many unresolved questions of Avengers Infinity War and what questions we want answered in Avengers Endgame you can listen to that podcast here . I digress, Avengers Infinity War left the viewer with the biggest cinematic cliffhanger of all time. So how will the remaining avengers deal with Thanos and the aftermath from the events of Infinity War? Endgame is a direct follow up to Infinity War and continues that story, but is also it’s own movie. 

Avengers Endgame is a very different movie than what I expected it to be. This movie is more about character development than action scenes. The emotional component is a huge aspect of this movie. This is a character piece and not your typical summer blockbuster. The humor in this movie is excellent and it perfectly balances the more somber scenes. The film is three hours long but it doesn’t feel overly bloated. This is a treat to fans of the Marvel cinematic universe and it intelligently builds off the nostalgia from the previous films in the series. It might be difficult for someone who hasn’t seen all the previous movies to fully enjoy this movie. Many questions I had from Infinity War were answered in this movie, but now I have many new questions from this movie. I often questioned why some events happened in the way they did and why some events didn’t happen at all. Some people may find the first hour or two to be a little boring or slow, but it didn’t bother me and I really enjoyed it. The story is engaging and interesting, but it does lead to many potential issues with plot holes. The movie has many cheap plot contrivances and at times it feels a little too convenient. The action scenes are rare. The best action scene is by far the excellent  conclusion and is well worth the wait. The final action scene is so epic that its worth the price of admission alone. I cried, I laughed, I cheered and I was very much entertained by Avengers Endgame. I had some issues with the film but all in all I still loved it.


Overall I loved this movie but many aspects bothered me. Avengers Endgame in some ways feels both immensely satisfying, but is also slightly disappointing. This is an incredible cinematic achievement but it’s not perfect. 


Final Verdict: 9/10


Editors Choice Film Award

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Spider-man Into the Spiderverse 3D Movie Review

Spiderman Into the Spiderverse

3D Movie Review

Written By: Jake Jarvis 



The stereoscopic 3D serves the animation quite well in this movie. Great 3D depth and movement. The hodge-podge of art styles of the various versions of Spider-Man (Spider-Men or Spider-People?) looks stunning in 3D. This movie was made for 3D and is definitely recommended.


Final Verdict: Great 3D



Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is Sony's soft reboot of their Spiderverse cinematic universe. Instead of being about Peter Parker, Spiderverse  focuses upon the Marvel's Ultimate Comic book Spider-Man, Miles Morales. Don't worry, Peter Parker is here, In fact, several different Peter Parkers are here, along with several different Spider-people, who have taken up the Spider mantle, including Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir and even Spider-Ham to name a few. Regarding the Spider-people we get all the above and I just adore it. Any of these characters could carry a Spider-Man animated movie of their own. Hopefully, we get to see many of these characters spun off into other films.


Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is the Spidey movie we didn't think we wanted, but turns out to be exactly what fans needed from a Spidey movie. This is a well told story with compelling characters in the hands of creators who respect and love the original material. This movie is so much fun!  Easily this is the best animated movie of the year. There are enough Easter Eggs in this movie to keep you looking through at least a dozen viewings, but none of them get in the way of the greater story. Stay through the end credits for a whole slew of surprises and a touching tribute to Spiderman's creators, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.


Simply put this is the best Spider-Man movie ever.


Final Verdict: 10/10

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