Puss In Boots The Last Wish 3D Movie Review

Puss In Boots The Last Wish

3D Movie Review

Written By:Jacob Scarberry 


Another DreamWorks Animation film, and another terrific 3D presentation. From the start of the studio logos (including the debut of the new DreamWorks logo which is great in 3D) to the end credits, the entirety of Puss in Boots the Last Wish is fantastic to see in 3D! The colors all pop despite the 3D glasses adding darkness to the picture. There is a ton of depth on display and plenty of pop-outs too. Puss’s trademark hat is especially fun to see in 3D. The camera zooms in, and the feather in the hat kept bobbing in and out of the screen and this is an interesting unique effect. The opening action scene where Puss is dueling with a sleepy giant is a grandiose display of everything good on this 3D buffet. Swords like to point outward toward the audience, it almost felt like the swords were trying to poke out the eyes of the audience. Environments feel natural, real, and full of 3D depth, and the horizons stretch out to infinity. The only issue that I had was with a bit of shimmering. Some of the whiskers and fur seems to have Moirè effect. Overall, this is the best 3-D in an animated movie released in 2022. Don’t hesitate, go watch Puss in Boots the last wish in 3D now if you can!

Final Verdict:Great 3D, Editors Choice 3D Award


It has been over a decade since the last time we have seen any character from the Shrek universe on the big screen. Alas, it's been a dozen years since Shrek Forever After and eleven years since the first Puss in Boots film released, and I couldn't feel any older. I've been watching these films since I was a wee teenager in middle school, and now here I am watching another Shrek film in 2022 as an adult, and I regret nothing!

Taking place, several years after the events of the original Puss in Boots movie, this sequel opens on our eponymous hero celebrating his latest triumph in style. Of course, being an outlaw, Puss is celebrating in the house of the governor who was supposedly gone but has surprisingly returned. One thing leads to another and eventually Puss dies. The town's resident doctor / barber / taxidermist informs Puss that's he's on his last life (since cats have nine lives), and recommends that he retires to a life of peaceful solitude. Puss wastes away his worries at the local bar, and after knocking back a few mugs of leché (milk in Spanish), he comes across a bounty hunter who manages to unnerve the unflappable hero. Puss eventually retires to the local cat lady's house. After a rough start to his retirement, Puss manages to get renamed "Pickles", and makes a friend in a dog disguised as a cat, who is named Perro (dog in Spanish). Goldilocks and her criminal Bear Family are on the hunt for Puss. Goldilocks wants Puss to help them steal the map to the last star, from the evil Jack Horner. The last star guarantees the finder one wish. During the heist for the map, Puss manages to come across his old flame / rival, Kitty Softpaws. Kitty is in the process of stealing the map too, and she barely manages to escape the clutches of Horner. Now Kitty, Puss and Perro team up, to prevent Jack Horner from getting the star. Along the way the trio learn to work together, and Kitty and Puss form an unstoppable bond which awakens old feelings that they once had for one another. The story has a couple of decent, but mild, twists. While the plot itself is predictable (the movie’s only flaw) in its eventual destination, the journey itself is a worthy one.

This film shouldn't have worked, (like at all) but it does. The Shrek universe started off as a refreshingly edgy take on fairy tales that gradually got dulled down to being a toothless and super bland family friendly affair. This film is a surprisingly refreshing movie. The edgy humor is back, and it even includes an allotment of bleeped-out curse words, all balanced out with a sweet and heart-filled story.


The animation is simply beautiful, and it has a unique art style that is impressive. The colorful and snazzy environments manage to fit the fairy-tale setting perfectly. Character designs are top-notch and fit right at home within the rest of the Shrek universe. The rendering of the fur must've been a nightmare for the animators to perfect, but it looks so real. Puss in Boots the Last Wish is a real stunner for CGI animation!


The voice cast, headlined by Antonio Banderas as our hero, is simply fantastic and he manages to bring Puss to life with humor and heart. Salma Hayek as Kitty Softpaws also delights as his partner in crime, but it's Harvey Guillén's scene-stealing performance as Perro that delights throughout. The rest of the cast is also great, with John Mulaney being a fun and totally heartless Jack Horner, and Florence Pugh as Goldilocks also being a standout. The entire voice cast brings their A game.

 Puss In Boots the Last Wish manages to explore the meaning of life and one's self-worth. It's surprisingly mature for a kid’s animated film, and doesn't talk down to the younger audience, at all. Like I previous said, it shouldn't have worked but it does. Puss In Boots the Last Wish is simply the best animated film of 2022 and is one of the best DreamWorks films in years.

Final Verdict: 9/10 and Editors Choice Movie Award

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Disney Strange World 3D Movie Review

Disney Strange World 3D Movie Review

Written By: Jacob Scarberry

Disney Strange World Movie Poster


Disney Animation Studios usually has (at the very least) some really good stereoscopic 3D in their films. This is probably because they started doing modern 3D films in 2005 (Chicken Little), and their great 3D track record not only continues, but they have now reached a new high point. Strange World is probably the best 3-D visuals that Disney has ever done. Seriously the entirety of Strange World looks fantastic in 3D. The excellent 3-D is not limited to one sequence or scene, but the entire movie is a showpiece for 3D. From the opening comic-book panel scenes, to the closing camera pull-back, there is plenty of tasty three dimensional delights in every frame of this movie. Strange World is filled with 3D particle effects. You will see particles go in and out of the screen. The movie has natural and rounded dimension, particles, smoke and precipitation that come out towards the audience. The 3D extends out the horizons with an amazing amount of depth. You will also see tons of 3D pop-outs. This is truly superb dimensionality. Strange World easily has some of the best 3D visuals in a movie released in 2022! The amazing 3D visuals increased my enjoyment of the movie itself. Strange World is an absolute must watch for 3D fans.

Final Verdict: Editors Choice , Great 3D


Strange World is a treat for the eyes and ears,  but sadly its a very forgettable family film.

Doing a little research, I was intrigued to learn that back in the 1950s, there were two comic book series called Strange World (One by Avon Comics, and the other by the precursor to Marvel Comics). I was hoping that this movie would be an adaptation of one of those stories á la Creepshow or Big Hero 6. As far as I can tell, the film is an original creation by Disney. This is despite Strange World opening up with literal comic book panels of stories about the legendary explorer, Jaegar Clade (Dennis Quaid) and his son, Searcher (Jake Gyllenhaal). It’s a nifty bit of expository lore that shows how Searcher isn't exactly compelled to follow in his father’s footsteps.

On their most recent expedition, Jaegar is determined to go to the other side of the mountains of their gorgeous world, Avalonia. Searcher happens upon an interesting new plant, which they dub Pando. This plant has electrical properties. While Searcher and Jaeger's crew are ecstatic for their scientific discovery, Jaeger disappears alone into the snow.

Twenty five years has passed since Jaeger’s disappearance, and Searcher has moved on and has started his own family. Searcher’s wife is named Meridian (Gabrielle Union) and their son is named Ethan (Jaboukie Young-White). Pando has become a breakthrough in technology, creating organic bio-batteries. These batteries can be used to light up street lights, and they can even power airplanes. Searcher works the Pando farms, harvesting the crop. Unfortunately, Pando seems to have issues, possibly with a disease or something more sinister that will affect every plant on the planet. This forces Searcher to go exploring, which is something that he dreads doing.

The clock is ticking, and getting to the literal root of the problem takes them to a strange new world. Old faces pop up along the way as they  race against the clock to save their very way of life. Will they save their livelihood, or will they be forced to regress to live in a world without Pando batteries.

Disney has a formula that it sticks to, and that formula has usually led to many classic films, but it has also lead to many unremarkable films. The classic Disney formula runneth strong throughout this film. The film has the classic father/son rebelling dynamic. Strange World is a very typical animated movie, and it checks all of the trope and cliche boxes with a thick marker. It's a real shame, because there are some interesting things within this film that could've been propped up by deviating against said formula. I cannot specifically reveal those things, because they are spoilers. I wish that Disney gave us something innovative and breathtaking beyond the gorgeous visuals and sonic morsels.

As I previously said, the movie is gorgeous. The visuals are colorful, vividly designed and unique. The acting is on par with other Disney films, never truly excelling or being memorable, but the cast manage to do fine throughout. The sound design, along with the score, manage to also be a delight to the ears. The specific sound design of Splat (the animated blue glob who "speaks" through squeaks) being worth a mention. The music done by Henry Jackman is worthy of some awards this upcoming awards season. All that  being said, the film never manages to rise above moderate entertainment for families. I wonder if families will even show up for this movie, as I expect this film will be a flop at the box-office.

The film isn't very funny with the exception of one terrific one-liner. The adventure itself isn't all that unique. Sadly the ending is generic. The whole film reeks of Disney meddling to make it as formulaic, and as safe as possible. This is despite the inclusion of an LGBTQ+ main character, interracial marriage and some noteworthy millennial breakfasts. I’m sure than many people will find plenty to complain about this movie on social media. Regrettably the film doesn't take any real chances, and that's ironic for a film all about adventure. Strange World plays it too safe with its storytelling, and that's its biggest crime.

Overall, the 3D and technical merits are wonderful for Strange World, but the rest of the film is generic. This movie is best suited for basic families that are full of turkey after Thanksgiving.

Final Verdict: 6/10

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Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie Review

Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega

Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie review 3-D


Black Panther Wakanda Forever has many moments to make 3D fans happy. Sadly it does have some issues that also hurt the 3D presentation. First lets talk about the negative. Black Panther Wakanda Forever has many darkly lit scenes. 3D in darkly lit scenes is tricky to do and it doesn’t always work. The movie also has some shaky cam scenes. This odd camera movement makes it difficult to keep the eye focused for the 3D. Some shots I felt like the 3D could have been stronger. All the negative withstanding I still very much enjoyed the 3D aspect of Black Panther Wakanda Forever. The movie has many nice moments of 3D depth and pop outs. You will regularly see spears pop out of the screen. Sometimes the movie has some interesting camera angles and the 3D is better in those shots. Lets go over some specific scenes that benefit from being in 3D. The opening funeral scene with the people walking during the funeral procession. They shoot some of this scene with a camera in a birds eye prospective and you are looking down onto the people. This simple shot looked fantastic in 3D. One sequence when you taken to the underwater city is especially strong in 3D. You have some darkly lit scenes underwater that work very well in 3D. The 3D isn’t as impressive as the underwater scenes in the trailer to Avatar 2 The way of Water, but it’s still really nice. The action sequence in Wakanda is also well done in 3D. One scene with the queen talking to the camera is powerful because of the dialogue but the 3D really enhances the scene and it feels like she is right in front of you and is speaking to you. It’s not a perfect 3D presentation but overall the 3D is very well done.

Final Verdict: Good 3D


Black Panther Wakanda Forever is a very emotional movie. Making a Black Panther movie without the great late Chadwick Boseman was a herculean task, and they somehow pulled it off. This is an incredible follow up to one my favorite Marvel movies. I’ll be honest with you and state that I wasn’t hyped for this movie as I walked into the theatre, but when I left the theatre I was very happy with what I watched.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is the story of Wakanda after the death of its King and the Black Panther T’challa. As the family struggles to continue with their lives they are visited by an outsider named Namor. Namor is a strange man who has wings on his feet and is in search for a brilliant scientist named Riri. Namor states that Riri can potentially damage his land and the land of Wakanda. Namor threatens Wakanda with war if this scientist cannot be contained. The movie follows Shuri, Okoye as they discover the truth about Namor and Riri. What happens between Wakanda and Namor? Do they go to war? You will have to watch the movie to find out.

I loved the cast of Black Panther, and I love them even more in Wakanda Forever. Everyone gives 110% and their acting is on point. I have to highlight Angela Bassett’s character of Ramonda and her performance. Queen Ramonda is simply incredible in this movie and Angela Bassett truly amazing in this role. I liked her performance in the original Black Panther, but in this movie Angela Bassett really steps it up and gives a masterful performance in this movie. Bassett’s heart and soul is showcased in this movie and she delivered each line with power and eloquence that is rarely seen on screen. Angela Bassett’s performance wowed me. I really enjoyed Dominque Thorne as Riri. Riri’s dialogue felt so real and authentic. Tenoch Huerta has a great performance as Namor. Namor is sympathetic, interesting and is a passionate character. Namor might be the antagonist of this movie but he really isn’t a villain. Everyone brings their A game in Wakanda forever and I like all of the cast.

I admit that so far in this review that I have been gushing over Black Panther Wakanda Forever but this movie has its flaws. The movie is a little too long. The pacing can be all over the place as some scenes flow well and some scenes are slow. The movie has many unanswered questions that really bothered me. I won’t spoil any aspect of this movie, but some vital plot points are missing depth. I have to dock them points for not giving us some concrete answers on a few key things. If you haven’t seen the original Black Panther movie you will probably be lost in this movie. Some of the odd camera angles that I mentioned earlier are distracting to the eye and took me out of the movie. Overall my issues with Black Panther Wakanda Forever are minor, but they do add up.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever wowed me in a many moments. The action scenes are well shot and are very cool to watch. The cinematography with a few exceptions is very well done. The comedic aspect is very enjoyable and they know how to please the crowd and give us a break from the somberness of the story. How this movie develops the lore of the under water city where Namor lives is well done. Namor as a character feels fresh and really distinct. The movie has many interesting surprises. The third act is exciting and the ending is satisfying.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is a powerful emotional journey of a movie. I cried, I cheered, I laughed and I was blown away by this film. It’s a heavy movie and its not perfect, but overall I really loved it and I can highly recommend it.

Final Verdict: 9/10

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