Captain America Brave New World 3D Movie Review

Captain America Brave New World

3D Movie Review

Written by Adolph Vega

captain America brave new world 3d movie poster


The 3D presentation of Captain America: New World Order is predominantly depth-based. This approach draws you into the storytelling. The film cleverly uses intimate settings and long corridors to enhance the 3D effect. These choices add a pronounced sense of space and perspective. For example, one scene features the President seated at the rear of a long table. Precise camera positioning makes you feel as if you’re right there in the room, enveloped by the layered depth of the shot. Although there are occasional pop-out effects (NOT NEARLY ENOUGH), the overall emphasis remains on depth. One impressive example of the 3D visuals is the aerial dogfight above the Indian Ocean, which is both tense and visually stunning. In contrast, some darkly lit scenes do not work as well for the 3D visuals. Overall, the 3D aspect of Captain America: New World Order offers an enjoyable visual experience, even if it leaves you wanting more.

Final 3D Score: 7/10


Captain America: New World Order marks a bold foray into political thriller territory, and Anthony Mackie shines as the titular hero. His strong presence and unwavering conviction lend the film an added layer of gravitas, making his portrayal of the new Captain America truly compelling. The chemistry between Sam Wilson and Joaquin Torres (the new Falcon) is fantastic, capturing a genuine sense of brotherhood that enriches the storyline. Harrison Ford’s performance as President Ross further bolsters the film by providing seasoned depth to the ensemble. However, the narrative is intermittently bogged down by heavy exposition dumps that feel like spoon-feeding the story, and the overt political and racial messaging. I don’t disagree with the film’s sentiment but it should have been more subtle. The film comes off as rather heavy-handed and that might turn off some people.

The film’s action choreography is phenomenal, delivering many exhilarating sequences that counterbalance the more subdued, toned-down approach to comedy (compared to typical Marvel fare). Even though the movie runs a bit long, I still really enjoyed it. Viewers of the Disney TV show Falcon and the Winter Soldier will be rewarded, while the movie remains accessible for newcomers. The compelling villain adds tension to the politically charged narrative, and nods to the aftermath of The Incredible Hulk and The Eternals help weave together the broader Marvel tapestry. I did find the story a little predictable and reliant on many well-known spy, political, and action movie tropes. It’s unfortunate that some audiences might dismiss the film due to a reluctance to engage with a new black Captain America. It is also unfortunate that some audiences (maybe the same as previously stated) won’t enjoy this movie because they don’t care for or understand geopolitics.

Overall, Captain America: New World Order is an enjoyable, if imperfect, blend of action and political intrigue that I can easily recommend it.

Final Movie Score: 7/10

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Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania 3D Movie Review

Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania

3D Movie Review

Written By:Adolph Vega


I am very disappointed by the 3D visuals in Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania. I expected more from Marvel, and I expected more from this sort of movie. I watched this movie in IMAX 3D, and I felt like my 3D experience can be best described as adequate. The IMAX projection seemed to be 100% fine in other trailers before this movie started, so I can’t fault the theater’s presentation. I went to the eye doctor earlier this week and the ophthalmologist said that I have essentially 20/20 vision with only a minor astigmatism, so its my eyes are not the problem either. The 3D aspect of Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is not terrible per say, its just underwhelming. San Fransisco and the various microscopic environments are very flat looking, and only offer a few basic layers of 3D. The movie is darkly lit, and that is always an issue with 3D movies. Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania uses the new stagecraft method of filming. In this method of filmmaking they essentially use giant video walls as the background on the sets as the actors are filming the movie. This technique helps the actors get more into the scene as they will see the visuals that the audience will see. For  fantastical settings it can be very helpful for the actors to see something instead of seeing nothing but a green screen. This filming style works well in TV shows like The Mandalorian, but for a 3D movie it makes the world appear very flat. The background seemed like a flat high definition 4K painting, and not like actual environments that could potentially exist. The sci-fi visuals in this movie are fine, but they always look fake and alien and the lack of depth makes it more difficult to get engrossed into the movie. The 3D does shine in a few scenes. These scenes have the characters falling, and those moments while rare have a nice amount of 3D depth. You have a few moments when gun barrels and other objects pop out of the screen. One critter attempts to bite a character and its snout pops out of the the screen as it takes some bites. On the other hand one scene has characters who are walking through a microscopic forest and it should be lush with multiple layers of 3D, but it has maybe two or three layers of 3D. You will see characters look far into the distance and it should be a great showcase for 3D depth, but it is only a pretty picture and it appears to have no substance. As you watch Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania it is easy to forget that the 3D aspect even exists. In a plus the 3D never gave me a headache or nausea as I watched it. With my experience being in IMAX 3D I imagine that regular 3D experiences might be even worse than my experience. The 3D aspect of Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is okay, but should be better. Only 3D super fans should bother to watch Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania in 3D. Sadly this is the worst 3D presentation that I have seen in a marvel movie in about a decade.

Final Verdict: Weak 3D 2D Recommended


Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania reminds me allot of the ‘classic’ Flash Gordon movie from 1980, but without the awesome soundtrack from Queen.

Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is an old school silly science fiction romp of a movie set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story of Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is fairly simple. The main crew of Ant-Man ( Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyke, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne and Cassie Lang) are accidentally sucked into the quantum realm and they must reunite, and get back home. In some ways it feels very similar to Disney’s 2022 animated movie Strange World. While in the quantum realm the Ant-Man crew discover Kang the Conquerer. Kang wants to escape the quantum realm and he puts Scott Lang in an impossible situation to either save his captured daughter Cassie or to save the multiverse. This is your standard marvel formula just set in an old school science fiction epic.

Kang is the new major villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he is portrayed by Jonathan Majors. Johnathan Majors is fantastic as a menacing conquerer. Kang is a terrorizing man from the future who is also stuck in the quantum realm. I was surprised how scary Kang was presented in this movie. Kang is given a good amount of screen time and back story. Kang is probably the best new character in the movie and I found his performance to be dark and charismatic.

The quantum realm presented in this movie is a character onto itself. Sadly this character is extremely underdeveloped and not fully explained. The quantum realm has been teased in several previous marvel movies, but this is the first movie where the majority of a movie is set in this location. The quantum realm is a one very strange place. The quantum realm has diverse unique environments and an interesting population. The quantum realm even has some ‘probability storms’ that will mess with your mind. Kang has conquered the quantum realm, and the beings that exist in this realm are fearful of him. We really don’t know anything substantial about the creatures that exist in the quantum realm. How was the quantum realm before Kang conquered it? Do these creatures understand that they microscopic? Did these creatures previously shrink or have they always been this tiny? The movie has dozens of characters and we know only the superficial aspects of them. I don’t even remember the names of the various tiny characters and I watched the movie last night. The quantum realm just doesn’t make much sense and it’s frustrating. I’m willing to go with crazy sci-fi concepts but this realm was not nearly fleshed out like I wanted. I have so many unanswered questions and it left me angry and wanting more.

Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is a frustrating movie for many reasons. The movie only lightly explains what is going on. When the movie finally explains itself, it just leaves you with so many more unanswered follow up questions. Many aspects of the lore are just exposition dumps and they don’t feel like natural story telling. Why do some many creatures in the quantum realm look humanoid ? How small can Ant-Man shrink to? How do they breathe with being smaller than oxygen atoms ? Why exactly does Kang need Ant-Man when his technology should be far superior? The movie shifts tones quickly from being wacky to dark, and its jarring. The ending of this movie just feels odd. The last act has many fake endings. How everything wraps up feels too easy and cheap. How many damn bridges exist in Kang’s city? The movie doesn’t fully satisfy my curiosity, and it feels like this could have been a five season TV show, but it is just summarized as a two hour movie.

Despite its many flaws I still enjoyed my time with Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania. I was frustrated by the narrative, but I was never bored. This a fun sci-fi adventure. I love sci-fi and I am intrigued by all the weird concepts presented in this movie. I think Kang is a very interesting and compelling character. The action sequences and visuals are fascinating to watch. The humor works well, and I just love Paul Rudd in this movie (and everything that he does). For me the good aspects outweighs the bad aspects, but just barely. Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania has two post credit scenes, one scene is mid credits and the other scene is after the credits. I enjoyed both scenes and I feel like both scenes are important to the future of the marvel cinematic universe. One scene directly references events of this movie, and the other scene directly references another related Marvel TV show. I guess they learned their lesson from Ant-Man and the Wasp, and that stupid ant playing the drums post credit scene.

Ant-Man And the Wasp Quantumania is one odd pulp science fiction movie. I liked this movie, but I can understand why many people won’t be amused by it.

Final Verdict: 6/10

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Ant-Man & The Wasp:

Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie Review

Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie Review

Written By: Adolph Vega

Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever 3D Movie review 3-D


Black Panther Wakanda Forever has many moments to make 3D fans happy. Sadly it does have some issues that also hurt the 3D presentation. First lets talk about the negative. Black Panther Wakanda Forever has many darkly lit scenes. 3D in darkly lit scenes is tricky to do and it doesn’t always work. The movie also has some shaky cam scenes. This odd camera movement makes it difficult to keep the eye focused for the 3D. Some shots I felt like the 3D could have been stronger. All the negative withstanding I still very much enjoyed the 3D aspect of Black Panther Wakanda Forever. The movie has many nice moments of 3D depth and pop outs. You will regularly see spears pop out of the screen. Sometimes the movie has some interesting camera angles and the 3D is better in those shots. Lets go over some specific scenes that benefit from being in 3D. The opening funeral scene with the people walking during the funeral procession. They shoot some of this scene with a camera in a birds eye prospective and you are looking down onto the people. This simple shot looked fantastic in 3D. One sequence when you taken to the underwater city is especially strong in 3D. You have some darkly lit scenes underwater that work very well in 3D. The 3D isn’t as impressive as the underwater scenes in the trailer to Avatar 2 The way of Water, but it’s still really nice. The action sequence in Wakanda is also well done in 3D. One scene with the queen talking to the camera is powerful because of the dialogue but the 3D really enhances the scene and it feels like she is right in front of you and is speaking to you. It’s not a perfect 3D presentation but overall the 3D is very well done.

Final Verdict: Good 3D


Black Panther Wakanda Forever is a very emotional movie. Making a Black Panther movie without the great late Chadwick Boseman was a herculean task, and they somehow pulled it off. This is an incredible follow up to one my favorite Marvel movies. I’ll be honest with you and state that I wasn’t hyped for this movie as I walked into the theatre, but when I left the theatre I was very happy with what I watched.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is the story of Wakanda after the death of its King and the Black Panther T’challa. As the family struggles to continue with their lives they are visited by an outsider named Namor. Namor is a strange man who has wings on his feet and is in search for a brilliant scientist named Riri. Namor states that Riri can potentially damage his land and the land of Wakanda. Namor threatens Wakanda with war if this scientist cannot be contained. The movie follows Shuri, Okoye as they discover the truth about Namor and Riri. What happens between Wakanda and Namor? Do they go to war? You will have to watch the movie to find out.

I loved the cast of Black Panther, and I love them even more in Wakanda Forever. Everyone gives 110% and their acting is on point. I have to highlight Angela Bassett’s character of Ramonda and her performance. Queen Ramonda is simply incredible in this movie and Angela Bassett truly amazing in this role. I liked her performance in the original Black Panther, but in this movie Angela Bassett really steps it up and gives a masterful performance in this movie. Bassett’s heart and soul is showcased in this movie and she delivered each line with power and eloquence that is rarely seen on screen. Angela Bassett’s performance wowed me. I really enjoyed Dominque Thorne as Riri. Riri’s dialogue felt so real and authentic. Tenoch Huerta has a great performance as Namor. Namor is sympathetic, interesting and is a passionate character. Namor might be the antagonist of this movie but he really isn’t a villain. Everyone brings their A game in Wakanda forever and I like all of the cast.

I admit that so far in this review that I have been gushing over Black Panther Wakanda Forever but this movie has its flaws. The movie is a little too long. The pacing can be all over the place as some scenes flow well and some scenes are slow. The movie has many unanswered questions that really bothered me. I won’t spoil any aspect of this movie, but some vital plot points are missing depth. I have to dock them points for not giving us some concrete answers on a few key things. If you haven’t seen the original Black Panther movie you will probably be lost in this movie. Some of the odd camera angles that I mentioned earlier are distracting to the eye and took me out of the movie. Overall my issues with Black Panther Wakanda Forever are minor, but they do add up.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever wowed me in a many moments. The action scenes are well shot and are very cool to watch. The cinematography with a few exceptions is very well done. The comedic aspect is very enjoyable and they know how to please the crowd and give us a break from the somberness of the story. How this movie develops the lore of the under water city where Namor lives is well done. Namor as a character feels fresh and really distinct. The movie has many interesting surprises. The third act is exciting and the ending is satisfying.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is a powerful emotional journey of a movie. I cried, I cheered, I laughed and I was blown away by this film. It’s a heavy movie and its not perfect, but overall I really loved it and I can highly recommend it.

Final Verdict: 9/10

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