The Eternals 3D Movie Review
The Eternals 3D Movie Review
Written By: Jake Jarvis

The 3D in The Eternals is very well done. This is all the more surprising because of all the darkly lit scenes in the movie. They all pop out properly and offer a great amount of depth. Scenes where various Eternals use their powers (especially flying) are breathtaking in 3D. Stand out 3D scenes include: a Bollywood musical number, a deviant battle sequence involving splashing water, and the active volcano scene. The 3D greatly adds to the beautiful cinematography and scenery of The Eternals. I definitely recommend watching The Eternals in 3D.
Final Verdict: Great 3D
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The Eternals is not like most other Marvel cinematic universe movies. This is both a good and bad thing. Like, the original comic book source material created by Jack Kirby, this movie isn't for everyone, but in reality what movie is?
The Eternals is a super-hero drama told through the mythology of gods of various cultures through out time. The Eternals is part 2001: A Space Odyssey, a family drama and a mystery more than it's a typical super-hero movie. I really enjoyed the dialogue scenes, and to a lesser degree, the exposition. The film puts pop music to good use. Not as good as James Gunn did in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, but Chloe Zhao's film still was solid with the tunes. Who can hate on Pink Floyd? The cast really sold their various characters and their opinions on the various conflicts that have developed between these characters. Kumail Nanjiani steals nearly every scene he's in as Kingo. Kingo’s assistant, Karun (Harish Patel) was an awesomely hilarious sidekick without being a stereotype. Kit Harrington is barely in the film, but he sells the Dane Whitman character and love interest of Sersi with what little screen time that he had. The Eternals is everything I wanted from Captain Marvel and The Inhuman Marvel properties, until the third act. Unfortunately, in the third act the movie falls apart. The movie ends with many questions being ignored rather than just being unanswered. Be sure to wait around for the mid-credit and post-credit scenes as they leave you with many more questions to ponder.
The Eternals is not a perfect film, but it is a perfectly good way to scratch that Marvel movie/Super-hero film itch.
Final Verdict: 7/10
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